The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all". The SDGs were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly (UN-GA) and are intended to be achieved by the year 2030. They are included in a UN-GA Resolution called the 2030 Agenda or what is colloquially known as Agenda 2030.

The 17 SDGs are: (1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (10) Reduced Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals.

CUI Wah Campus is actively contributing its role to achieve a better and more sustainable future for community at local, national and international levels, being engaged in different SDGs. Details of some activities are mentioned below;

Internship Completion Certificate Distribution Ceremony for VTI Trainees

A certificate distribution ceremony was arranged on September 30, 2024 to award internship completion certificates to the trainees of Vocational Training Institute (VTI), Taxila who have completed two month's internship at CUI Wah Campus. The Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., presented letters of appreciation to 21 interns in recognition of the successful completion of a two-month on-the-job training program facilitated by CUI Wah Campus. The interns demonstrated proficiency in various trades and departments during this training period. The Director Campus congratulated all the interns upon the successful completion of training and advised them to keep working hard.

PEEF Master Level Scholarship Certificate Award Ceremony

A Scholarship Award Ceremony was held on February 27, 2024 in which certificates were distributed to students who had been awarded the prestigious PEEF Master level scholarship at different disciplines at CUI Wah Camus. The Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., graced his presence on the occasion. The ceremony commenced with an introductory session, during which all the awardees of the scholarship had the opportunity to introduce themselves. Each student shared insights into their areas of research, providing a glimpse into the diverse academic interests present among the scholarship awardees. The Director Campus addressed the gathering and shared words of encouragement, wisdom, and advice with the students about the significance of education, the value of scholarship opportunities, and the responsibility that comes with being a scholar. In the end, ceremony certificates were distributed among students by the Director Campus.

Certificate Distribution for Appreciation of VTI Trainees

The Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., presented letters of appreciation to 10 interns from the Vocational Training Institute (VTI) Taxila on November 28, 2023 during the award ceremony. This recognition was bestowed upon them for the successful completion of a two-month on-the-job training program facilitated by CUI Wah Campus. The interns demonstrated proficiency in various trades and departments during this training period.

Certificate Distribution In Appreciation Of VTI Trainees

An appreciation certificates distribution ceremony was arranged on September 27, 2022 for the trainees of Vocational Training Institute, Taxila, including four female and two male who successfully completed their two months on job training (internship) at CUI Wah Campus in different departments Library, Examination, Academic Sections and Services department. The Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., awarded internees with appreciation certificates in recognition of their dedication and hard work. On the occasion the Principal, Vocational Training Institute, Taxila, Syed Muzaffar Hussain was also invited and appreciated his institution's efforts in providing technical education to the low-income class students for the betterment of the community. The Director Campus mentioned the role of vocational training and self-employment. He motivated them and mentioned that in future CUI Wah Campus will fully support the VTI students in providing on job training and putting the role of CUI Wah Campus in eliminating poverty and equipping the youth in making them self-sufficient. He further mentioned that CUI Wah Campus is also aligned with sustainable development goals (SDGs) to benefit the community gender based and in poverty alleviation. At the end the Director Campus assured cooperation in facilitating the students of VTI. The ceremony ended with a vote of thanks.

Outstanding Achievement of Mr. Muhammad Haseeb Ahmad

Mr. Muhammad Haseeb Ahmad, a distinguished student from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and former Student Chair of the ASME CUI Wah Chapter, has been honored with the Frederick Barnes Waldron Best Student Award by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE). This prestigious award was awarded in recognition of his outstanding academic achievements and active involvement in extracurricular activities, including the organization of the ASME Skill Development Program, ASME International Webinar Series, Design and Robotics Competition and the Workshop on Global Perspectives on Climate Change. The award, including a certificate and a bronze medal, was presented on October 10, 2024 by Professor Dr. Muhammad Abid (T.I), Director Campus, alongside Associate Professor/ Chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Department Dr. Atta Ur Rehman. The dignitaries congratulated Mr. Haseeb on this remarkable achievement and wished him continued success in his future endeavors.

Opening Ceremony of the English Access Program CUI Wah Cantt

The grand opening ceremony of the English Access Scholarship Program took place on Thursday, September 26, 2024, at COMSATS University, Islamabad, Wah Cantt. The event featured Chief Guest Jerrold Frank, Regional English Officer, alongside Syed Rashid Hussain Naqvi, Country Program Director and Ms. Dua Mujeeb from the Regional English Language Office (RELO) at the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad. They were warmly welcomed by Access students in vibrant cultural attire, along with the Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid,T.I. and Assistant Professor/Project Director, Dr. Ambreen Shahnaz from the Department of Management Sciences. Prior to the ceremony, guests were given a guided tour of the university’s modern facilities available to Access students, including state-of-the-art classrooms, a fully functional internet network, a well-stocked library, and IT laboratories. The inauguration of the newly established English Access Library Corner was inspired by a successful book fair held earlier in commemoration of World Literacy Day. In her opening remarks, Dr. Ambreen provided an insightful overview of the program's achievements, highlighting impressive statistics that reflect strong community support and future expansion plans. She emphasized the program’s vital role in offering underprivileged students high-quality English language education, fostering global citizenship, and enhancing their academic and career opportunities. The Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., welcomed all distinguished guests and highlighted the significance of the partnership between CUI Wah Campus and the RELO Program, which has helped bridge educational gaps and provide opportunities for students from underprivileged backgrounds. Parents also expressed their appreciation for the positive impact of the Access program, reflecting on its importance in fostering growth and development in their children. Access students showcased their talents by performing on an inspiring song that conveyed messages of perseverance and resilience, symbolically representing the idea of "moving mountains." Additionally, they performed a skit on environmental conservation, emphasizing the urgent need to protect our natural resources for the future. In his closing remarks, Regional English Officer , Mr. Jerrold Frank commended the efforts of the CUI Wah Campus Access team and the students. He praised their performances and reiterated the critical role of education in empowering youth. In conclusion souvenirs were presented to the guests in appreciation of their support and participation in the program.

Blood Donation Camp

The Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) organized a Blood Donation Camp at COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus, on May 21, 2024, to demonstrate CUI's commitment to serving humanity by collecting high-quality blood on a voluntary basis. During the event, more than 50 units of different blood groups were collected. The collective goal of both donor students and employees is to protect valuable lives battling severe illnesses. PRCS expressed gratitude for the support from the management of CUI Wah Campus, the event organizers, and the blood donors.

Awareness Effort Makes To Restrain The Road Crashes

The Civil Engineering Department, COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Wah Campus in partnership with Atlas Honda Ltd, organized a workshop on Road Safety Training for bike users. The objective was to instill a positive change in the conduct of road users, aiming to reduce road accidents and ensure a seamless traffic flow. The Head of Department for Civil Engineering, Dr. Tahir Mahmood extended a warm welcome to the safety managers from Atlas Honda Ltd and the instructors leading the training. During the workshop, guest speakers emphasized the significant challenges posed by roadside hazards in Pakistan, attributing them to the absence of well-defined safety standards. They underscored the urgent need for acknowledging the road safety crisis and advocated for the active involvement of both the public and private sectors in addressing the issue. The speakers stressed that the current efforts fall short of the scale of the problem, emphasizing the necessity for allocating adequate resources to enhance and implement safety measures. To engage the audience, a question-and-answer session was arranged, focusing on road safety measures. As a gesture of appreciation, safety helmets were presented to the winners, courtesy of Atlas Honda Ltd. The hands-on Road Traffic Training (including motorcycle and driving simulator sessions) saw enthusiastic participation from both male and female students. The event concluded with the presentation of a souvenir from CUI Wah Campus to the guest speakers with a vote of thanks.

An Awareness Session & Teaching/Recreational Activities At Orphanage, Wah Cantt

The Department of Civil Engineering and Outreach Program Committee of CUI Wah Campus jointly organized an awareness session, teaching and recreational activities at Orphanage, Al-Ummat Trust, Wah Cantt on November 16, 2023. The aim of the event was to conduct community services for the children of the Orphanage including both recreational and teaching activities and to foster an interest in community services and cultivating a mindset of reciprocity among the students and special children. Dr. Muhammad Yar Khan, Associate Professor, Management Sciences and Convener Outreach Program Committee of CUI Wah Campus briefed the audience regarding the scope and commitment of CUI Wah Campus in providing professional services for the betterment of the community. An awareness session was delivered by the Medical Officer, Dr. Hira Khan. She briefed the special children about self-hygiene and well-being. Practical demonstrations and engaging activities were included to make the learning experience enjoyable for the children. As a gesture of goodwill, faculty and students distributed gifts among the special children. Each child received a personalized gift, carefully selected to bring smiles and joy. Faculty and students actively engaged with the children throughout the event, creating a warm and friendly atmosphere. This interaction helped build a sense of community and provided an opportunity for the children to express themselves. The children not only gained valuable knowledge about hygiene but also enjoyed a day filled with laughter and happiness. This event exemplified the CUI Wah commitment to outreach, social responsibility, and community engagement.

Acknowledgment - Voluntary Blood Donor

The Director of the Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., presented a certificate of appreciation to Nabeel Alam Khattak, Lecturer, Department of Computer Science in an award ceremony held on November 28, 2023. This recognition was extended in acknowledgment of his voluntary service, specifically his consistent blood donations aimed at aiding patients and serving humanity. The Director Campus expressed appreciation for Mr. Nabeel Khattak's efforts in saving lives through blood donation, recognizing the immeasurable value of such contributions to humanity, beyond any monetary measure.

Seminar - Purpose Of Life

The Department of Management Sciences with the collaboration of Qirat and Naat Society organized a seminar titled ?Purpose of Life?, on October 26, 2023. Mrs. Tasneem Arifa, Founder and Principal of Babu-ul-Islam, a motivational speaker, Quran Instructor, coach, and trainer delivered an effective lecture on the Purpose of life. The main objective of this seminar was to empower youth in light of the Quran, wellness, and self-care, reclaim hearts, manage stress/ anxiety, and connect with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala in light of the Quran & Sunnah (PBUH). A Campus souvenir was awarded to the speaker by the Incharge CDC, Dr. Mushtaq Bhatti with a vote of thanks.

Awareness Session on Mental and Physical Health

The Outreach Program Committee, CUI Wah Campus, organized a highly informative awareness session on July 12, 2023. The event aimed to demonstrate the importance of mental and physical health care. The session was attended physically and virtually by the Faculty, Staff Members and Officers.

Dr. Ambreen Shahnaz, on behalf of the Outreach Program Committee, welcomed the guests and in her opening remarks introduced the team of Outreach Program, Speakers and Event modalities. The event began with a recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by paying homage to the national anthem.

Dr. Yaar Khan, Convener of the Outreach Program Committee, shared the fundamentals of UN SDG?s, Committee's objectives and initiatives. He put emphasis on the importance of community services and its significance for common people. He mentioned that CUI Wah Campus is already engaged in providing services under SDGs and motivated the audience to take a small time out from their lives for the betterment of the community.

Ms. Nabila Raheem, a professional Clinical Psychologist, discussed leadership, adolescent development, the importance of mental health for socialization and some common causes of mental illness. Dr. Hira Khan, a medical professional, provided valuable insights on physical health-being, healthy lifestyle and some precautionary measures to make ourselves active, while Dr. Rukhsana Sheikh, a renowned Gynecologist, highlighted reproductive health, a state of physical, mental and social well-being and her involvement in welfare projects.

All sessions were very informative and fruitful in spreading knowledge to take care of our mental and physical health for prioritizing well-being. The event concluded with a vote of thanks from HoD, Dr. Amir Rajput. He presented acknowledgement souvenirs to the guest speakers on behalf of Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid,T.I.

Blood Donation Camp - Spring 2023

The Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PARC) organized a Blood Donation Camp at COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus on May 23, 2023. More than one hundred volunteers showed interest in donating blood out of which 91 blood units were collected for saving the lives of critical patients in emergency fighting against dread diseases.
The PARC acknowledged the continuous support of the management of CUI, Wah Campus for arranging the camp and really appreciated all the donor students and employees for their donation to saving many precious lives and serving humanity.

Celebration Of World's Disable Day 2022

The COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI) Wah Campus jointly celebrated the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2022 with Young?s Muslim Inclusive Education System, Wah Cantt on December 2, 2022. The objective of this event was to spend some good time with the special children of ?Young?s Muslim Inclusive Education System? to show solidarity, reduce inequalities by raising awareness among youth towards their responsibility to special kids. This activity built the understanding among the students of CUI on mobilizing their support for the well-being of all those who are with any disability. The event was conducted under the guidance of Assistant Professor, Dr. Muhammad Yar Khan and Lecture, Ms. Sana Dar from the Department of Management Sciences. The students from CUI Wah Campus participated in the event with open heartedly. The event started with a half kilometer walk with special kids on the main GT road to their school to show unity with them. The students arranged a painting and gaming stalls to make this day special for special children. The kids enjoyed face painting and playing games. The students presented the token of collection of funds to the Principal of Young?s Muslim Inclusive Education System to as a support of CUI Wah Campus. The visiting group faculty and students of CUI Wah Campus were shown the art and craft made by the kids which are very impressive. At the end gifts were distributed among the special children by the CUI Wah Campus students. Young?s Muslim Inclusive System appreciated the efforts of the students and management of the CUI and presented a souvenir to CUI Wah campus.

Workshop On Engaging University Faculty For The Mental Well-Being Of Students

The Department of Management Sciences arranged a workshop "Engaging University Faculty for the Mental Well-Being of Students" on December 1, 2022. The resource person, Dr. Ambreen Shahnaz from the Department of Management Sciences conducted the workshop. The focus of the workshop was to enlighten the faculty about the mental health issues of students. Dr. Ambreen shared various facts and statistics about the mental health issues of students with the faculty and the ways to handle it. She emphasized creativity and problem solving skills. During the session the faculty members analysed and discussed major causes prevailing among students. The faculty reached the consensus that depression and anxiety are major reasons behind mental illness of students and it?s their responsibility to work on the personality development of students and to groom their skills.

The Blood Camp Fall 2022

The Pakistan Sweet Home Blood Bank arranged a Blood Donation Camp at COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus on December 1, 2022. More than 55 donors (Students, Officials and Staff Members) donated blood. The Blood Bank was in the service of saving many precious lives affected with Thalassemia, Hemophilia and Blood Cancer.

One Day Workshop On ?Engaging University Faculty For Mental Health Of Youth?

A one-day workshop on ?Engaging University Faculty for Mental Health of Youth? was organized by the Faculty Development Academy (FDA) at COMSATS University Islamabad on October 25, 2022 in collaboration with COMSATS Secretariat to commemorate the World Mental Health Day. The workshop highlighted the role of teachers in the mental well-being of students during their academic pursuits. Besides, it also aims to educate the faculty in identifying the initial signs of mental distress and behavioural issues in students. Following faculty/staff members participated in the workshop from CUI, Wah Campus.

  1. Dr. Muhammad Ateeq Tahir - Assistant Professor - Mathematics
  2. Dr. Ambreen Shahnaz - Lecturer - Management Sciences
  3. Muhammad Saqib Mehmood - Assistant Program Officer - Academics Section
  4. Aisha Siddiqa - Coordination Officer - Mechanical Engineering
  5. Lubna Chuadhary - Senior Administrative Assistant - Accounts Section
  6. Abdul Basit - Stenotypist - Civil Engineering

Erasmus+ SAFE-RH Project Technical Meeting

On July 19, 2022, coordinator SAFE-RH, Professor Dr. Naeem Ramazan, University of the West of Scotland, UK, visited COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus for technical meeting under umbrella of Sensing ArtiFicial Intelligence, and Edge networking towards Rural Health monitoring (SAFE-RH) Erasmus+ funded project. The meeting was started with a welcome note by CUI Wah SAFE-RH coordinator Professor Dr. Ehsan Ullah Munir. He presented the overall progress of the SAFE-RH project and opened the forum for discussion on further agenda points. SAFE-RH main coordinator Professor Dr. Naeem Ramzan appreciated the CUI Wah SAFE-RH team for making suitable progress. Later on, Dr. Maaz Rehan briefly presented the SAFE-RH architecture and progress on IoT based sensing devices. Mr. Zulfiqar Khan demonstrated the developed pilot of maternal and infant health monitoring. Afterwards, Dr. Tassawar Iqbal shared progress on features of Android application being developed as part of the pilot, and Mr. Ikraam ul Haq demonstrated the Android application. Dr. Saima Gulzar elaborated the sensing devices and gadgets required for the fetus health monitoring and discussed the next line of action in this regard. Dr. Nadeem Anjum from Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST), Islamabad also joined this technical session and presented development of CUST partner on SAFE-RH project.

Before closing the session, Professor Dr. Ehsan Ullah Munir initiated the answer/question session that was very interactive and summed up with fruitful outcomes. Profess Dr. Naeem Ramzan appreciated the progress on the project and discussed plans for the forthcoming meeting of all partner universities in University of the West of Scotland, UK, to be held on August 22, 2022 to September 02, 2022. At the end of the event Professor Dr. Wasif Nisar Head of Computer Science Department gave closing remarks and presented a souvenir to Professor Dr. Naeem Ramzan on the behalf of worthy Director CUI Wah campus.

The Blood Camp Spring 2022

The Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) Regional Blood Donor Centre arranged a Blood Donation Camp at COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus on 15.06.2022. 71 donors (students, faculty and staff members) donated blood. The camp was beneficial for supporting and saving many precious lives and serving humanity in emergency.

Eid Gifts Distribution Ceremony

The eid gift distribution ceremony was held on April 25, 2022 in the new conference room to acknowledge the hard work in refurbishing of Campus facilities by the staff members of Services Section . The Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I, appreciated and showed gratitude on good work done by the staff members. On the occasion, the Director Campus distributed Eid Gifts and praised them with ?Shahbash?. The Incharge Student Affairs, Dr. Akmal Javaid, Incharge Services, Dr. Muhammad Nawaz, Additional Controller of Examinations, Mr. Muhammad Tariq Zafar Chishty and Incharge Stores, Mr. Farhat Mahmood were also present and appreciated staff for their dedication and loyalty that makes proud for the CUI Wah Campus family.

SAFE-RH Project Team Of CUI Wah Campus Visit To The Islamia University Of Bahawalpur

SAFE-RH, COMSATS University Wah Campus team consisting of Chairman CS/Associate Professor, Dr. Ehsan Ullah Munir, Assistant Professor, Dr. Tassawar Iqbal and Mr. Zulfiqar Ahmed from CUI Wah Campus participated in the SAFE-RH is Erasmus + funded seminar on ?Transformation of Traditional Health Provision to Smart Health services for Rural Area? held on February 25, 2022 at Islamia University of Bahawalpur under the organization of SAFE-RH awareness program .

Dr. Ehsan Ullah Munir in his talk presented COMSATS University Islamabad and COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus introduction and role of Department of Computer Science. He discussed the developments on the Maternal and Infant Health pilot of SAFE-RH. He explained in detail about the significance of Maternal and Infant pilot. He further highlighted current achievements, challenges and future plans about the Maternal and Infant pilot of SAFE-RH.

The SAFE-RH is Erasmus + funded Project which aims to apply innovative and cutting-edge technologies like big data, deep learning, smart sensing, internet of things, and seamless communication to address the challenging issues around application and adoption of Remote Health Monitoring in Pakistan. SAFE-RH is a combined project of five partner universities including the University of the West of Scotland (UWS), Universit? de Lorraine, France, Capital University of Science & Technology (CUST), Islamabad, Pakistan, COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Wah Campus, Pakistan, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.

All partner universities participated in this event physically or online and presented respective PILOT details, status, and future plans. The event was very well organized, informative, and productive regarding SAFE-RH awareness.

On February 26, 2022, all SAFE-RH teams from Pakistani partner universities visited the new campus of the Islamia University of Bahawalpur to attend a technical session about SAFE-RH. During this technical session, all teams presented their recent contributions in the research and development of SAFE-RH. Different challenges and their solutions were discussed, and contingency plans have been discussed.

World Disabled Day Event

The students from Eventix Society, COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Wah Campus under the supervision of faculty members from the Department of Management Sciences organized activities in collaboration with Young's Muslim Inclusive Education System (YMIES), project of ILEF (ALIF) Welfare Society, Wah Cantt to celebrate "International Day of Disabled Persons" on December 3, 2021. This day was celebrated to show solidarity and raise awareness amongst students regarding their responsibility towards special children. The activities started with a half kilometer walk with special children on the main GT road towards their school to show solidarity with special children. The Eventix Society students placed a painting and gaming stall to make this day special for special children. The kids enjoyed face painting and playing games. A cash amount earned from the stall was handed over to the school's principal for support and care of special children. At the end, gifts were distributed among disabled students by the CUI Wah students. The students of CUI Wah also showed their willingness to teach some academic skills to special children on a biweekly basis. Young's Muslim Inclusive system appreciated the efforts of CUI Wah Campus students.

A Blood Donation Camp

A blood donation camp was arranged by CUI Wah Campus for the collection of donations for the Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) to facilitate patients of COVID -19 pandemic on March 2, 2021. More than 90 bags of rare blood groups were donated by the students, faculty and staff members of CUI Wah Campus for serving humanity.

Brightening Lives Charity Show

An event titled "Brightening Lives Charity" Show for special children's of Nasheman School, Wah Cantt was organized by the IEEE/ WIE Students Chapter of Electrical Engineering Department on February 27, 2017. Sports and other activities were arranged for special children and gift hampers were distributed amongst students.

CUI Contribution in Haripur Jail

A team of COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Wah Campus accompanied by the Federal Ombudsman, Islamabad officials visited to Central Jail, Haripur on Friday, 31 July 2015. The purpose of CUI team visit was to identify/ascertain the feasibility of reinforcements required to improve the environment inside the jail, and make it favorable to engage the internees in healthy and positive activities including acquisition of technical/job skills, improvement in academic qualifications and sports etc. All with the aim that once released the internee will be having a positive mind set with the requisite technical skills to be a useful member of the society. The particular concern of CUI team was on skills development of female and juvenile prisoners, with special emphasis on children accompanying interned mothers. The team visited male and female prison sections, medical facilities, library, kitchen, laundry, juvenile center, and administration offices. The team during their visit to Central Imprison, Haripur held a donation ceremony of 329 books including 61 for children to be placed in Central Library of Central Imprison, Haripur as CUI Wah Campus Corporate Social Responsibility. The particular concern of CUI is on skill development of female and juvenile prisoners, with special emphasis on children accompanying interned mothers. The management of Imprison sincerely thanked the efforts of CUI Wah Campus In addition to that, donate 40 beds, mattresses, and Pillows each for female prisoners. The team also donated dry milk for children accompanied with mother in jail. In another visit, the team of CUI Wah distributed Eid gifts to the children accompanying prisoner mothers.

The Academic Merit Scholarship Distribution Ceremony - Spring 2024

The Academic Merit Scholarship Distribution Ceremony was held on September 30, 2024, to appreciate the outstanding academic achievements of students during the Spring-2024 semester. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., the Director Campus, awarded merit certificates to 126 students who achieved top three positions in their respective undergraduate programs, including BS in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Business Administration, Accounting and Finance, Civil Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. In his address, the Director Campus congratulated the students and encouraged them to continue their hard work and dedication with the same passion. He highlighted that this year’s awardees included a higher percentage of male students, with a ratio of 51% male to 49% female, urging female students to demonstrate increased determination in their pursuit of excellence. The Heads of Departments and Section Heads also commended the students for their achievements and motivated them to remain focused on their studies and future goals.

Visit Of QEC Team To Conduct The MS/PhD Program Review Of CUI Wah Campus

The team of Quality Enhancement Cell, COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Principal Seat visited CUI Wah Campus on May 17, 2024 to conduct the MS/PhD Program review. The team headed by Ms. Shazia Shabbir, Senior Program Officer was welcomed by the Campus Director, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.,I. The purpose of this program review was to improve the quality of graduate-level programs by strengthening established programs and eliminating or upgrading them to meet HEC standards. The team was briefed about the MS/PhD programs offered at CUI Wah Campus and also interacted with the Heads of the Departments and graduate students of the concerned department. Afterward, the team visited various facilities of the Campus including classrooms, library labs, and offices to examine the facilities available for MS/PhD programs. The team reviewed the MS/PhD documents, course files, students’ files and faculty files. In closing, the QEC team thanked the Campus Management for their cooperation and support in conducting the MS/PhD program review.

PEC - Re Accreditation Visit Of BS Mechanical Engineering Program Of CUI Wah Campus

Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) team comprises on Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tufail, Pro- Vice Chancellor, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Prof. Dr. Shahid Imran, University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore, Dr. Aamir Mubashar, School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, NUST Islamabad and Engr. Samar Naseem, PEC Representative arrived at CUI Wah Campus on May 2-3, 2024 for a re-accreditation visit for the BS (ME) program of Fall 2020-2023 intake. The Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid *T.I.) along with the Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Shahzad A. Malik, and Chairman/HoD Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Atta ur Rehman Shah welcome the visitation team. During the initial meeting, the Director Campus presented a campus report highlighting the strength, achievements, success, infrastructure, future development, and ongoing construction plan of the New Academic Block of the Campus. The Chairman/HoD Mechanical Engineering briefed the overall department’s academic, events, and future benchmarking strategies. During the visit the PEC team members visited facilities and had meetings with section heads, industry partners, alumni, faculty members, and students to review educational standards. They also reviewed the courses folders, Complex Engineering Problems (CEPs), Final Year Projects (FYPs), Industrial Linkages, Workshops/Seminars and the CQI data of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. On the closing day, May 06, 2024, the Director Campus presented CUI Wah Campus souvenirs to the team members. The visit ended with good remarks and a vote of thanks from both sides.

Students Of BS Mechanical Engineering, CUI Wah Won Second Prize At PEC Capstone Expo 2024

The Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) Capstone Expo took place in Islamabad on January 23, 2024, showcasing innovative projects from BS Engineering students representing various universities nationwide. The expo featured over 160 projects, providing a glimpse into the diverse spectrum of engineering disciplines and the high-quality work produced by students. Among the contributors, the Department of Mechanical Engineering at CUI Wah Campus presented four noteworthy projects. One of the highlighted projects, titled "Subsonic Speed Analysis of Blended Wing Body," secured the second prize in the Mechanical Engineering category. The project, supervised by Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Shoaib Naseem, involved the collaborative efforts of students Alishba Javed, Usama Javed, Ayesha Idrees, Muhammad Ahmed, and Muhammad Wasy Khalid. The winning project centered around the blended wing body design, a concept known for reducing drag and enhancing fuel efficiency compared to traditional aircraft. This environmentally friendly option boasts short takeoff and landing (STOL) capability, facilitating operations in confined spaces or on short runways. Furthermore, its versatility extends to both military and civilian applications, featuring a reduced noise footprint. The blended wing body design also proves useful for agricultural purposes and solar inspection in solar plants equipped with thermal cameras. Acknowledging the accomplishments of all participating teams, the Director Campus and the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department extended congratulations. They expressed their commitment to supporting students' involvement in future events, fostering continued success and excellence.

International Workshop on Curriculum Development through Outcome Based Education and CDIO

The Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., participated in the panel discussion of International workshop on “Curriculum Development through Outcome Based Education and CDIO” was organized by Faculty of Engineering and Technology of International Islamic University Islamabad conducted under PAK-UK Education Gateway Mobility Partnership program by the Higher Education Commission and British Council Pakistan on January 09, 2024. The panelists discussed the importance in shaping the future of education in the field of engineering by focusing on curriculum development through project based learning and CDIO. They stress engineering fundamentals set in the context of conceiving, designing, implementing and operating real-world systems and products. At the end the honorable Rector, Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid of the Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIKI) and the Dean Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Dr. Nadeem Ahmed Sheikh from IIUI presented the souvenir to Dr. Abid with vote of thanks.

Academic Merit Scholarship Distribution Ceremony - Spring 2023

The Academic Merit Scholarship distribution ceremony was held on November 28, 2023 to acknowledge the outstanding academic achievement of students during the Semester Spring-2023. The Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammd Abid, T.I., along with the Head of Departments distributed merit certificates among 120 students, achieved top three positions, in each program at undergraduate level in BS(CS), BS(SE), BS(EE), BS(BBA), BS(AF), BS(CVE) and BS(ME) programs. In his address, the Director Campus congratulated the students and emphasized on more hard work and dedication throughout with the same passion. He mentioned that this time a male student winning ratio is more than the female student?s i.e 56% male and 44% is female students. He bucks up the female to show more determination in winning more awards of excellence. The Head of Departments also appreciated the students on their achievement and energized them for being fully devoted in studies and for achieving their life goals. Section heads and Faculty Members also attended the ceremony.

Seminar On Human Factors And Sustainable Development Goals

The Department of Mechanical Engineering (DME) organized a seminar titled "Human Factors and the United Nations, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" on November 24, 2023. The seminar was presented by the International guest speaker, Prof. Dr. Hj. Muhammad Izzat Nor Ma'arof from the Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering and Quantity Surveying, INTI International University, Malaysia virtually via MS Teams. The speaker presented the crucial considerations of human factors in engineering designs, particularly those having impacted the daily lives of ordinary individuals and industrial workers. He also provided a concise overview of his research team's ongoing endeavors. Emphasizing the significance of the United Nations' SDGs, Prof. Izzat explained the connection between his work and the SDGs. The audience actively participated in an exchange of views and inquiries with the esteemed speaker, fostering a stimulating forum for discussion. In closing remarks, Dr. Muhammad Abid, Ti., Director, CUI Wah Campus, articulated the CUI's vision regarding the SDGs and expressed gratitude to Prof. Izzat for imparting his knowledge to the students and faculty members. He further extended an invitation to Prof. Izzat to revisit the CUI Wah Campus during his future visits to Pakistan. The seminar proved to be an invaluable learning experience for all attendees, providing a deeper understanding of the interplay between human factors, engineering design, and the SDGs.

NCEAC Zero Visit For BS( AI) Programme

The evaluator/convener from The National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC), Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, Prof. Dr. Naveed Ikram visited CUI Wah Campus on July 21, 2023 to assess the quality of existing academic and research facilities to start the new undergraduate BS (AI) program at CUI Wah Campus. During the visit, the Chairperson of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Ehsan Ullah Munir, Head of the Department, Prof. Dr. Sheraz Anjum and senior faculty members briefed the evaluator regarding department facilities, infrastructure and academic achievements. In the concluding meeting, the Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., presented a master plan for the construction of new academic blocks and future plans of Campus development. The Campus souvenir was also presented by the Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid,T.I.,

Cascading Knowledge

The training session titled "Cascading Knowledge: Sharing My Experience as an OPEN Alumni on Availing Exchange Programs" was organized on May 24, 2023, at WISE School and College (TRUST) Wah Cantt, by the Dr. Ambreen Shahnaz, Assistant Professor, Management Sciences Department. The workshop aimed to implement the outreach activities of COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah campus. The training highlighted personal experiences, knowledge sharing, and encouraged others to participate in professional development programs. The event was well-attended by 25 Teachers and school Principals.

Key Presentation Highlights:

1-    Experience With the OPEN Platform: The speaker provided insights into the various professional development opportunities available for English language teachers by the US Embassy. The selection criteria and the benefits of participating in these programs were explained, showcasing the speaker's personal journey and growth.
2-   Tips and Strategies for Availing Similar Opportunities: Attendees received practical guidance on how to find and apply for exchange programs. The speaker shared valuable tips on making a strong application and maximizing the benefits of the professional development programs, empowering participants to take advantage of such opportunities.
3-    Importance of Knowledge Sharing: The impact of participation in the exchange programs on personal and professional development was discussed. The speaker emphasized the role of knowledge sharing in professional growth, sharing real-life examples of how they have cascaded their knowledge and skills to others.
4-    Encouraging Participation in Professional Development Programs: The audience was informed about other similar programs available and provided with tips on how to apply and participate. The speaker encouraged attendees to share their knowledge and experiences with others, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.

A question & answer session provided an opportunity for attendees to seek clarification and gain further insights from the speaker.  The event successfully achieved its objectives of inspiring and motivating participants to avail themselves of professional development programs and engage in knowledge sharing. The speaker's personal experiences and practical advice resonated with the audience, leaving them informed and inspired to explore similar opportunities.

COMSATS Mathematical Olympiad

The COMSATS Mathematical Olympiad (CMO) was organized annually by the Department of Mathematics, COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus under the flagship of UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). This event was conducted from February 06 ? March 14, 2023 with the purpose to foster an interest of Mathematics in high level students to improve their problems solving skills through giving them a platform to participate and compete in this national level competition.

This year over 900 high level students from 28 colleges of Wah, Taxila, Hassanabdal, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Kamra and Sawabi etc. attended the preparatory/training session from February 6 ? 9, 2023. Besides course sessions, proper career counseling sessions were also conducted by each department at CUI, Wah Campus to groom them with their career potential skills. On Feb. 11, 2023, 890 participants appeared in the written test. The top five participants were selected for the final quiz.

In the opening session the event report was presented by the HoD Mathematics, Dr. Shabieh Farwa. She encouraged all participants to wholeheartedly do their best to compete and win.

The Chairman Pakistan Foundation, Prof. Dr. Shahid Mahmood Baig,S.I., graced the prize distribution ceremony as a Chief Guest at the final competition. He appreciated the efforts of COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus for arranging this event, engaging the industry and giving an opportunity to young to demonstrate their talent and emphasized that the competitions are of great importance for the upbringing of student?s skills. He further appreciated the industry for participating and supporting academia. The Chief Guest distributed certificates, shields and cash prizes among the winners of the top three positions.

  • 1st Position Mohid Arshad , from KIPS College, Wah Cantt.
  • 2nd Position Dhuha Noor from Sir Syed College, Wah Cantt.
  • 3rd Position Muhammad Taha Irfan, The Scholars Science College, Wah Cantt.

The Chairman Mathematics, Prof. Dr. Sarfraz Ahmad from CUI Lahore Campus, Deputy General Manager, Mr. Qamar Nisar and Head of HR and Administration Mr. Fayyaz Hussain Hashmi from Cherat Packaging, Ghulam Faruque Group of Companies and respected College Principals, Mathematics Teachers and FSc. students from different colleges attended the closing ceremony. The Guests Prof. Dr. Sarfraz Ahmad and Mr. Qamar Nisar were distributed appreciation certificates among the participants for their active participation.

The Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid,T.I.,in his closing remarks shared his deepest appreciation on the efforts of all participants for competing and toppers for gaining winning experience. He thanked the Chief Guest, Guests, respective college principals for their presence. He acknowledged the efforts of organizers and faculty members from the Department of Mathematics especially Head of the Department, Dr. Shabieh Farwah for all of her team efforts in inviting the colleges and conducting this event in a befitting manner. He congratulated all. He encouraged the event sponsored the Cherat Packaging Limited and Ghulam Faruque Group of Companies for their participation, support and their future collaboration will go with the COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus for the growth of educational standards.

Outcome Based Education

COMSATS University Wah Campus is providing higher education. The education system is totally based on Outcome-Based Education (OBE).

Generous Financial Assistance

Scholarships based on merit and need based to deserving students were offered for achieving sustainable development objectives to fight against Poverty and to achieve gender equality and empowering all women and girls with providing education to all without any discrimination

47th Biannual Research And Training Workshop

Dr. Summera Fahmi Khan, a member of the UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and Lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering, attended the 47th Biannual Research and Training Workshop organized by the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE). The workshop took place from July 8 - 11th, 2024, at Club Hotel Dolphin in Negombo, Sri Lanka. Dr. Summera presented her research proposal titled “Understanding the Socioeconomic Implications of a Changing Cryosphere in the HKH Region: A Case Study of the Astore Watershed”. The study aims to investigate the socioeconomic impacts of the changing cryosphere in the Astore watershed, located in the rugged terrain of the HKH region. Using a mixed-method approach integrating economic modeling with remote sensing, climate change and hydrological analysis, and field surveys, the research seeks to quantify changes in the cryosphere that affect water availability, water access, and agricultural productivity. Additionally, by assessing the adaptive capacities of local communities, the study aims to provide actionable insights to stakeholders and policymakers to promote sustainable development in the region and similar alpine areas. The workshop brought together researchers, advisors, and policymakers to explore ongoing research, new proposals, and current trends in development and environmental economics, with a specific focus on the South Asian region. It served as an invaluable platform for networking and knowledge exchange, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing environmental and economic challenges in South Asia.

Participation In The 13th International Conference Of Business And Economic Development In New York, USA

Dr. Tahira Nazir, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, attended the 13th International Conference on Business and Economic Development (ICBED) under HEC travel grant. She presented her research paper titled “Servant Leadership and Employee Innovative Behaviour: Unpacking the Role of Support for Innovative and Creative Self-Efficacy in Knowledge-Intensive Service Contexts.” The conference took place from April 15th to 16th, 2024, in New York, United States of America (USA). The conference provided a valuable opportunity for sharing research findings, fostering dialogue, and promoting cross-cultural understanding. Furthermore, it offered insights into policymaking and business practices on a global scale. This participation represents her commitment to advancing knowledge and promoting collaboration across borders, ultimately contributing to the collective effort towards sustainable economic development.

Conference On Building The Workforce For The Future

Assistant Professor, Dr Ambreen Shahnaz from the Department of Management Sciences attended the conference "Building the Workforce for the Future" on 29-30 Nov. 2023 organized by the Pak-US Alumni Network (PUAN) of the US Mission, held at Marriott, Islamabad, and reflects a successful and insightful gathering. The event brought together a diverse group of professionals, educators, and alumni who have benefited from various US exchange programs, fostering a platform for dialogue and networking. Keynote speakers, including notable figures from both Pakistani and US educational and professional sectors, emphasized the importance of skill development, technological adaptation, and innovative thinking in preparing the workforce for future challenges. Interactive sessions and workshops focused on practical strategies for integrating advanced technologies and entrepreneurial skills into Pakistan's workforce development. The event also highlighted PUAN's commitment to strengthening Pak-US relations through educational and professional exchanges, underscoring the importance of international collaboration in addressing global workforce challenges. The enthusiastic participation and positive feedback from attendees underscored the event's success in providing valuable insights and fostering connections that contribute to the ongoing development of Pakistan's workforce.

Certificate Distribution In Appreciation Of VTI Trainees

An appreciation certificates distribution ceremony was arranged on September 27, 2022 for the trainees of Vocational Training Institute, Taxila, including four female and two male who successfully completed their two months on job training (internship) at CUI Wah Campus in different departments Library, Examination, Academic Sections and Services department. The Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., awarded internees with appreciation certificates in recognition of their dedication and hard work. On the occasion the Principal, Vocational Training Institute, Taxila, Syed Muzaffar Hussain was also invited and appreciated his institution's efforts in providing technical education to the low-income class students for the betterment of the community. The Director Campus mentioned the role of vocational training and self-employment. He motivated them and mentioned that in future CUI Wah Campus will fully support the VTI students in providing on job training and putting the role of CUI Wah Campus in eliminating poverty and equipping the youth in making them self-sufficient. He further mentioned that CUI Wah Campus is also aligned with sustainable development goals (SDGs) to benefit the community gender based and in poverty alleviation. At the end the Director Campus assured cooperation in facilitating the students of VTI. The ceremony ended with a vote of thanks.

COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus Partners with PCRWR for Rainwater Harvesting Initiative

On October 2, 2024, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., Director Campus/ UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), met with officials from the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR), including Mr. Muhammad Dilshad Arshad and Mr. Syed Ibtisam Asmat. The meeting focused on designing rainwater harvesting systems in key areas of the campus, including the new Academic Block 1,faculty parking, campus transport area, and mosque. This initiative aims to capture wastewater from ablutions and store rainwater for landscaping and groundwater recharging, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6, 9, and 13. Following discussions, the PCRWR team toured the campus to assess current water management practices and identify suitable locations for implementation. Both parties committed to ongoing collaboration to enhance sustainability and address climate challenges on campus.

World Water Day 2024: Promoting Water For Prosperity And Peace - Organized By PCRWR

On July 9, 2024, on behalf of the UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) at CUI Wah Campus, the members Engr. Sarmad Manzoor and Engr. Waleed Tariq from the Department of Civil Engineering attended the event jointly organized by the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) and partners to raise the importance of World Water Day -2024 under this year's theme "Water for Prosperity and Peace." The event featured the Launch of the United Nations World Water Development Report 2024, a Panel Discussion, and an interactive Q&A Session. Dr. Hifza Rasheed, Director General PCRWR, delivered the welcoming address, emphasizing the crucial role of shared water resources in fostering cooperation between nations and regions. She highlighted PCRWR's initiatives to combat water wastage. Subsequent remarks were given by Mr. Jawed Ali Khan from HPM, UN-Habitat, Prof. Seyed Komail Tayebi, President of the ECO Science Foundation, and Officer-In-charge from the UNESCO Islamabad, Mr. Kar Hung Antony Tam, stressing the significance of World Water Day in raising awareness about water challenges. He also highlighted UNESCO's collaborative efforts with PCRWR, including the inscription of the Karez System Cultural Landscape (KSCL) in the World Heritage List to promote trust and resolve water-related conflicts. The keynote speech was delivered by the Former Chief Engineer, Engr. Nssir Gafoor from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Irrigation Department. In a roundtable panel discussion experts including Mr. Nasir Ghafoor, Dr. Muhammad Riaz, Ms. Saiqa Imran, Dr. Muhammad Waseem, Mr. Zamir Ahmad Soomro, Mr. Khalil Raza, and Mr. Raza Narejo underscored the urgency of addressing water scarcity, promoting conservation practices, and enhancing Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) facilities. They advocated trust-building through data sharing and adoption of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) strategies to ensure sustainable and equitable water use across Pakistan. In concluding remarks, distinguished speakers highlighted current challenges and opportunities in the water sector, calling for innovative solutions, improved wastewater management, and actions to mitigate climate impacts and water mismanagement. The event's key takeaways will guide future initiatives and research, sustainable practices in Pakistan contributing to progress towards a water-secure future for all.

Invited Talk And Seminar On Design And Management Of Solar-Powered Drip Irrigation Systems

The UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) at CUI Wah Campus held an event focusing on food security, assessing its environmental impact, managing crop production using the AquaCrop Model to increase yield, and measuring the effects of climate change. The event also addressed the significance of solar-powered drip irrigation systems for promoting sustainable agriculture in the region on May 23, 2024. The opening remarks were delivered by Dr. Summera Fahmi Khan, a member of UNESCO Chair. She acknowledged the guest speakers for their valuable time and briefed the audience on the role of the UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) at CUI Wah Campus. The invited talk on "AquaCrop Model for Climate-Smart Agriculture" was delivered by Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, an Assistant Professor from the Department of Agronomy, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University. Dr. Ahmed highlighted the features of the AquaCrop Model for improving irrigation and evaluating crop water requirements to address food security challenges. He discussed its relevance, significance, and challenges, emphasizing the model's contribution to advancing climate-smart agricultural practices. His talk was highly informative, covering the AquaCrop Model's role in promoting sustainable agricultural practices and ensuring food security amid evolving environmental conditions. In the second phase, Engr. Sarmad Manzoor, a member of the UNESCO Chair and Lecturer from the Department of Civil Engineering, presented a seminar on "Design and Management of Solar-Powered Drip Irrigation Systems." He discussed the critical challenges posed by rapid climate change to drip irrigation operations and highlighted the importance of solar-powered drip irrigation systems in various regions of Pakistan. The audience appreciated the presentations and gained valuable insights into enhancing crop yields through the adoption of the AquaCrop Model and solar-powered drip irrigation systems. The speakers left the attendees inspired and excited to explore further applications in drip irrigation practices. On behalf of the UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., the Chairman/HoD of the Civil Engineering Department Dr. Tahir Mahmood, appreciated the speakers for sharing their insights on the topic. He presented CUI souvenirs to the guest speakers and concluded with a vote of thanks.

8th International Water Conference (8IWC)

The Director Campus / UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid.T.I., attended the inaugural session of 8th International Water Conference (8IWC) on “Valuing Water for Sustainability” as Guest of Honor on March 6, 2024. The conference was jointly organized by Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR), Riphah International University, Islamabad and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Pakistan at PCRWR Headquarter Islamabad. Welcome address was delivered by Dr. Hifza Rasheed, Director General PCRWR. She gave an overview on the vulnerability of Pakistan to climate change, expected consequences being faced by the country and required actions. Prof. Abid stressed the importance of integrated approaches for collection of climate change data to measure adverse impact of climate change. In a panel discussion session Tech for Tap: Leveraging Innovation to Secure Pakistan's Water Future, he expressed his views along with other panelists. Director Public Policy, Riphah University Dr. Rashid Aftab presented a conference brief. The Guest of Honor, Dr. Anis Ahmed, Vice Chancellor, Riphah University emphasized the importance of water and behavioral changes for water conservation. The Guest of Honor Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, Advisor to IWMI and Former Chairman of PCRWR explained the importance of water in the light of the Quran. He narrated that water is the whole ecology regulating ecosystem, therefore water wastage can be controlled by behavior change. Ms. Kiran Kazi UNICEF Representative talked on innovation and collaboration as main issues to be addressed in the water sector. She said that Youth is the catalyst for change and UNICEF is always there to address these issues in future. In total 52 researchers from academia and industry presented their publications on the designated thematic sessions.

Celebrations Of World Water Day 2024

World Water Day (WWD) is an annual United Nations Observance Day celebrated at CUI Wah Campus under the flagship of UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) on March 14, 2024. The objective of WWD was to raise awareness on the global, regional, and local levels to highlight Pakistan's water conflicts, prevention, effects on communities, and building resilience to shared challenges, with a focus on achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: Water and Sanitation for all. The World Water Day revolves around this year’s theme, “Water for Peace”. Dr. Engr. Summera Fahmi, a member of the UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for IWRM at CUI Wah Campus, presented a welcome address and discussed the role of the UNESCO Chair. The guest speaker, Mr. M. Dilshad Arshad, Director of Hydrology at the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR), graced the event with his presence and delivered a very comprehensive talk on Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD). He discussed the importance of zero water discharge strategies in reducing wastewater, supporting livelihoods, and ensuring community resilience. Mr. Arshad also elaborated on Pakistan's National Water Conservation Strategy, covering all aspects of water resources development, management, and governance. Additionally, he briefed the audience on PCRWR's activities in implementing research in the agriculture, domestic, and industrial sectors for zero liquid discharge. Lecturer and Member of UNESCO Chair, Engr. Waleed Tariq, presented the survey results on Exploring Perspectives on 'Water for Peace.' The aim of the survey was to assess awareness levels, attitudes, and behaviors related to the "Water for Peace" theme, contributing valuable insights to the discourse on water conservation and peace-building efforts. The speaker highlighted the benefits and study results. The respondents of the survey were students aged 18-25 years. It resulted in the consensus that more awareness campaigns from all stakeholders are required to highlight wastewater and water management. The group discussion ideas on "Water Conservation and Peace" were presented by undergraduate group leaders from the University of Wah, Wah Medical College, and CUI Wah Campus from the Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, and Management Sciences Departments. All the groups discussed water scarcity, usage, and availability for the future, and presented topics to spread awareness on strategic matters of wastewater management systems and conflicts to achieve peace in water distribution. Themes included:

  • Water-Related Conflicts in Pakistan
  • Impact of Water Scarcity on Communities
  • Role of Youth in Water Diplomacy
  • Water-Energy-Food Nexus
  • Gender Perspectives on Water Management
  • Innovative Technologies for Water Conservation
  • Climate Change Adaptation Strategies
  • Public Health Implications of Water Quality
  • Community-based water Management Initiatives
  • Educational Campaigns for Water Conservation

These themes highlight various aspects of freshwater and the challenges related to water management, providing opportunities to raise awareness, promote action, and encourage national and regional-level community-based cooperation to boost awareness of water management. Meesum Abbas and Abdullah Zafar from the Mechanical Engineering Department got first position for presentation on innovative water technologies whereas the second position was grabbed by Junaid Malik and Emaan Irfan from the Computer Science Department for gender perspectives on water management. In the closing ceremony, Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., UNESCO Water Chair on IWRM, in his closing remarks, thanked PCRWR for their cooperation and acknowledged the efforts of event organizers and participants from CUI and other institutions. He especially commended Engr. Waleed Tariq for conducting the survey and presenting its analysis report. He thanked Mr. Dilshad for sharing valuable insights on government policies and PCRWR's work progress to eliminate wastewater. He presented a souvenir to the guest and distributed appreciation certificates among participants, appreciating the valuable ideas of the students in presenting solutions to the water management problems. The event concluded with a vote of thanks.

National Consultation On Climate Resilient Water And Sanitation Safety Planning And Assessment Of Technology Needs In WASH Sector To Achieve NDC Targets

On behalf of the UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Lecturer, Engr. Summera Fahmi Khan from the Department of Civil Engineering and member UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for IWRM attended the national level meeting/discussion sessions on February 22, 2024 organized by the Ministry of Climate Change & Environmental Coordination (MoCC&EC) with the aim to bring together the stakeholders from government agencies, non-governmental organizations, academia, and the private sector to discuss strategies for enhancing climate resilience in the water and sanitation, safety planning and assessment of technology needs in WASH Sector to Achieve NDC Targets. The event started with welcoming remarks by MoCC&EC officials underscoring the importance of climate-resilient infrastructure in achieving national development goals, followed by presentations by experts highlighting the integration of climate considerations into water and sanitation planning. The event involved interactive sessions where participants discussed aligning Nationally Determined Contributions NDC targets with climate-resilient planning to achieve sustainability goals and the breakout sessions focused on water safety planning, technology needs assessment and sector coordination. Participants explored strategies for integrating climate risk assessments, vulnerability mapping, and adaptation measures into local development plans to enhance community resilience. The event concluded with a plenary session summarizing the outcomes of group discussions and highlighting key recommendations for advancing climate-resilient water and sanitation planning. Participants reaffirmed their commitment to collaborative action, knowledge sharing, and capacity building to achieve NDC targets and ensure sustainable WASH services for all.

Attended Dialogue On "SDPI's Response To COP28: From Consensus To Realization"

The Director Campus/UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) on January 10, 2024 attended an online dialogue organized by the Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI), Islamabad. The dialogue covered the scientific aspects of resource consumption and climate change. Discussion held on the recent scientific findings, the projections highlighted in the Global Emissions Gap Report, the Global Resource Outlook and the first report of the Global Stock Take (GST) of the Paris Agreement. Dr. Abid Q. Suleri, Executive Director SDPI, Ambassador Shafqat Kakakhel, Deputy Executive Director, Resilience Development Program & Policy Outreach, Shafqat Munir Ahmed, Syed Qasim Ali Shah, Deputy Executive Director (Ops), Azerbaijan Ambassador to Pakistan Khazar Farhadov and other were participated as panelists in the dialogue.

Pakistan Water Week - National Exhibition December 7 - 8, 2023

The students of CUI Wah Campus under the platform of UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), CUI Wah Campus participated in the National Workshop organized by the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) in the activities during Pakistan Water Week - 2023 with the focus on the future of ?Transformative Approaches?. The objectives of the Pakistan Water Week 2023 is to enhance the awareness, sharing knowledge among young water professionals by giving them an opportunity to share their vision for a water secure future. The event was held on December 7 ? 8, 2023 at Pak- China Friendship Center, Islamabad.

A total of Fifteen students participated in the Poster Competition and Seven Short Documentaries were presented by CUI Wah Campus students.

Ms. Nasira Zahid from Department of Computer Science, CUI Wah Campus got Second Position in the Poster Competition among the 50 posters made by other universities and college students. The students highlight the importance of water and related emerging issues in a graphical form to create awareness among the audience.

Waterwise Summit: Unveiling Solutions Through Youth Voices

The UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), CUI Wah Campus with the theme to ?Respect Water - Respect Life?, organized the ?WaterWise Summit: Unveiling Solutions through Youth Voices?, on November 29, 2023.

The event addresses and spreads awareness on water is life, saving water and climate change flooding and disaster causes affecting humanities. The students demonstrated through art work (posters and documentaries) and engaged the community to express their vision in debates. The contestants' speeches are very fruitful and helpful in conveying their ideas in favor of saving water, avoiding wastage, disasters faced and its long-term impacts on human life.

The Engr. Summera Fahmi, member UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for IWRM, CUI Wah Campus presented a welcome address. The Chief Guest of the event was Ms. Kiran Anwar, Senior Research Officer from Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR). In her remarks she appreciated the efforts of the students for sharing their visions for a water secure future. She presented the role of PCRWR in Water Management, Research and Development.

Following six students presented debates on the topics

S #.ParticipantsTopicLanguage
1Nayab Zara

2Reemal ImtiazPre-Emptive Strategies to Prevent Flash FloodingEnglish
3Sidra Malik

4Zoha GullWastewater Generation and it's Catastrophic ImpactsEnglish
5JunaidWater Scarcity in Pakistan and our Behavior toward Water Conservation.English
6Malik UmairWater Scarcity in Pakistan and our Behavior toward Water Conservation.English

The poster competition provides a platform to students to showcase their idea for creating the awareness among audience on the topics ? Water Scarcity in Pakistan and Climate Resilient Water Conservation Strategies ? Wastewater Generation and it's Catastrophic Impacts on Environment ? Causes, Impacts and Pre-emptive strategies to prevent Flash Flooding

Following were participated

  1. Nasira Zahid
  2. Hassan Ali
  3. Malik Umair
  4. Qurutul Ain
  5. Haseeb Sarfaraz
  6. Syed Abdullah Mansor
  7. Momina Zia
  8. Hira Khalid
  9. Afrasiab
  10. M. Usman
  11. Rida Malhi
  12. Afrasayyab
  13. M. Usman
  14. M. Saad Abdullah Khan

Key theme of short documentary was ?How Can Children Bring Behavior Change in Water Use?. Seven teams were participated and captivate audience attention and grab appreciation

  1. M. Suleman and M. Waqas, with their idea on the Impending Water Crisis and How Some Youth-led initiatives have worked to counter this.
  2. Syed Muhammad Essa, Muhammad Saad Abdullah Khan Niazi, and Khizar Khalid presented documentary on the theme Encompasses a Dystopian World Where Water is Non-existent.
  3. Syed Zamin Naqvi pushes the idea of How Various Countries across the World Face a Shortage of Water. Therefore, the World must comprehend the Importance of this Resource.
  4. Ahmed Javed and Hassan Ali Khan, briefly describe the role of our Youth in Behavior Change on Water Usage.
  5. Talha Tariq, Tayyab Ashfaq Abassi, and Ch Muhammad Hassan Zahid motive is to push the idea that the Water Saved Today will be Beneficial for the time to come.
  6. Muhammad Aqib Shabbir, Muhammad Awais, Syed Shahzain ul Hassan. They have tried to push the narrative of how the Groundwater Table is affected and What Methods we can introduce to protect it.
  7. Waseem and Hassan, tried to explain the Water Cycle and the Various Factors that affect it.

The Chief Guest, Ms. Kiran Anwar, HoD Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Attah ur Rehman, HoD Mathematics, Dr. Muhammad Rafiq, HoD Civil Engineering, Dr. Tahir Mehmood, Dr. Adnan Nawaz from Civil Engineering, Dr. Ayaz Ahmad from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dr. Ayaz Qadeer from the Department of Management Sciences were the judges of the event.

In a closing ceremony, all participants were awarded with participation certificates. The Poster Competition Winner Ms. Rida Malhi and Runners up Mr. Maik Umair, and the Documentary Competition Winner S. Zamin Naqvi and Runners up Mr. M. Suleman and Mr. M. Waqas were awarded with Appreciation certificates. All judges and audience acknowledged the efforts of participants? in highlighting the awareness on drinking water and water quality protection.

UNESCO Water Chair on IWRM, Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., in his closing remarks thanked the PCRWR representation and presented Campus Souvenir to Ms. Kiran Anwar, Senior Research Officer. He also thanked the judges, faculty members and the organizers of the event. He appreciated the valuable work of the students who sketched Water and Life in a very colorful and informative way and emphasized on the behavioral change in water usage required from all of us for today and future. He further motivated the participants to take part in building capacities for taking the water crisis seriously and for eliminating its effects on our society. The event ended with a vote of thanks.

Seminar On Impact Of Climate Change On Glacier Melting & Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) ? Implications For Mountain Agriculture And Water Security

The UNESCO Water Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in collaboration with the Department of Civil Engineering organized a Seminar titled ?Impact of Climate Change on Glacier Melting & Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) ? Implications for Mountain Agriculture and Water Security" on September 28, 2023 to share latest dynamics of climate change on glacier melt flow, mountain agriculture and water security in the region of Pakistan. The aim of the seminar was to explore the challenges and actively involve the students, academicians, researchers, organizations, and community to examine the rapid changes in climate, causing glacier melting, growing lakes, and outbursts of floods in the region of Pakistan.
The speaker, Tenured Professor, Dr. Adnan Ahmad Tahir from the Department of Environmental Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus, specialized in the hydrological and hydrodynamic modeling with a special focus on climate change, land use land cover, snow and glacier dynamics, and hydrological regime using in-situ and remote sensing data. The speaker significantly delivered his research on the climate change impacts on glacier melting, discussing the outburst lakes pattern at Hunza and Karakorum, greenhouse gases causing rapid increase in Hispar, Shispar, and Siachen glacier melting and its implication on mountain agriculture. Rising temperatures disrupt snow melting patterns and the entire water flow cycle damages human lives and briefed measures taken for water security.
On behalf of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., UNESCO Water Chair on IWRM, the HoD Civil Engineering, Dr. Tahir Mehmood in his remarks raised the importance of climate change factors and their effects on building designs and processes to evaluate the potential risks of flooding, drought, and heat stress. He acknowledged the speaker for sharing his research studies with the students on glaciers melting and their effects. At the end, the certificates were distributed among the participants. The HoD presented the souvenir to the guest speaker with a vote of thanks.

Meeting Of The Water, Environment & Agriculture Societies Consortium Under Water Resource Accountability (WRAP)-Climate Resilient Solutions For Improving Water Governance (CRS-IWaG) At IWMI Lahore, Pakistan

The 1st Meeting of the Water, Environment & Agriculture Societies Consortium under Water Resource Accountability (WRAP)-Climate resilient Solutions for Improving water Governance (CRS-IWaG) was organized on September 26, 2023 by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Lahore, Pakistan. On behalf of UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), CUI Wah Campus, Engr. Sarmad Manzoor from the Department of Civil Engineering attended the meeting and delivered a presentation on the operational implementation plan of UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), CUI Wah Campus activities with respect to Water Resource Accountability (WRAP) and Climate resilient Solutions for Improving Water Governance. The Director ?IWMI & PROJECT Leader WRAP, Dr Mohsin Hafeez presented a welcome address along with a brief introduction about the IWMI and overview of WRAP Programme. All invited members (academic institutions) of the consortium presented their progress and future plan of action for improving the water governance. The UNESCO Chair actively participated and addressed the impacts of climate change on water resources accountability and resilient Solutions for Improving water Governance. This meeting provided a great networking opportunity for partners.

Celebration of World Water Day 2022

UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resource Management at CUI Wah celebrated World Water Day on March 31, 2022 at COMSATS University Wah Campus and organized a Seminar titled ?Monitoring Climate Extreme Events through Remote Sensing and Modelling? followed by a Poster Competition with this year theme "Groundwater: Making the invisible visible".
The resource person Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed enlightened the participants about the impact of extreme climate events (ECE) on the agricultural sector of Pakistan using remote sensing techniques to predict scenarios to explore possible options to mitigate the effect of ECE and to achieve sustainable development goals.
A large number of students from schools, colleges and universities and professionals participated in the poster competition. The purpose of this competition was to raise awareness about groundwater. Groundwater is an important source of fresh water which is invisible but its impact is visible everywhere. Experts from academia and industry evaluated posters. Seminar and Poster competition supported the Chair effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 6: Water and Sanitation for all. The winners and runners up of the poster competition for school category and university category were awarded cash prizes and certificates.
Chief Guest Mr. Raza Shah UNESCO representative addressed the youth; delivered a message of Director General Audrey Azoulay and gave prizes to the winners.
The event ended with vote of thanks by the Chair and Director Campus Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid (T.I) and presented shields to Chief Guest and Guest Speaker.

Project Meeting On Satpara Lake Sedimentation And Climate Modeling

The project meeting was held on December 22, 2021under the chairmanship of the Director Campus/ UNESCO Water Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), CUI Wah Campus , Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I.,. Following members attended the meeting Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad, Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy from Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Dr. Muhammad Hasan Ali Baig, Associate Professor, Institute of Geo-Information & Earth Observation from Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Dr. Munawar Ali Abbass, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics from University of Baltistan, Skardu. Dr. Zaheen Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of Geology from University of Baltistan, Skardu. Dr. Zakir Hussain, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics from University of Baltistan, Skardu. Dr. Salar Ali, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences from University of Baltistan, Skardu. The said meeting was between the researchers from Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi (AAUR), the University of Baltistan, (UoB), Skardu and COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI) Wah Campus. Deliberations held on the planning taken to study the improvements in supply of irrigation water for Satpara Lake Sedimentation and Climate Modeling project as a multidisciplinary team. It was also decided to submit a joint research proposal to some related funding agencies under the UNESCO Water Chair on IWRM, PSF or HEC.

Virtual Meeting On Artificial Rain Project

An online meeting was held between Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB), COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI) Wah Campus, members from Pakistan Meteorological Department and Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi (AAUR) on December 22, 2021. Faculty from the University of Baltistan, (UoB), Skardu also joined the session. Meeting was chaired by Vice \Chancellor of Islamic University Bahawalpur Prof. Dr. Athar Mahboob. This was the second meeting held related to a mega project to discuss the Artificial Rain Project. Data collection, data analysis with respect to timings, intensity of rainfall, its potential to change the agricultural, social and economic situation of the region. Possibility of implementation of artificial rain was discussed in length. The valuable suggestions were given by all members and it was decided primarily to focus on a selected region of Bahawalnagar/Bahawalpur as a study and implementation site. The following attended the meeting online: Dr. Muhammad Hanif, Chief Meteorologist from Research and Development, Pakistan Meteorological Department Dr. Furrukh Bashir, Deputy Director from from Research and Development, Pakistan Meteorological Department Dr. Muhammad Ali Raza, Director, National Research Center of Intercropping from the Islamia University of Bahawalpur The members participated from CUI Wah Campus Director Campus/ UNESCO Water Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), CUI Wah Campus , Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad, Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy from Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Dr. Muhammad Hasan Ali Baig, Associate Professor, Institute of Geo-Information & Earth Observation from Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Dr. Munawar Ali Abbass, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics from University of Baltistan, Skardu and his team The meeting ended with a vote of thanks.

Trash Free COMSATS Awareness Campaign

The Department of Management Sciences arranged a campaign "Trash Free COMSATS"" consisting of different events/activities.

  • Play Card Painting Competition ""Eco-Friendly" on November 4, 2021
  • Lecture on "Trash and its effect on environment, campus and personal health" on November 5, 2021
  • Dustbin Decor and Trash Free Awareness Walk on December 9, 2021
The theme of the whole program activities was to spread awareness on the importance of a clean and green environment and to motivate all stakeholders to adopt healthy habits by keeping themselves and surroundings clean. The students from all departments actively participated and promoted "Eco-Friendly" slogan competition, painted placard on November 4, 2021 and presented "Do Respect to Others and Yourself?.. An awareness Lecture on "Trash and its effect on environment, campus and personal health", was delivered by Dr. Anoosh Aqdus, Campus Medical Officer to motivate students to adopt healthy habits. The winners of the Play Card Competition were awarded with prizes. Dustbin D?cor and Trash free awareness walk was held on December 9, 2021 within campus premises. Students along with faculty members from all departments participated in the walk. Students wore T-shirts with Trash Free Slogan and decorated the whole campus dustbins with Trash-Free slogans.

Siemens Pakistan Team Visited to Deliver the Seminars on Latest Technology Trends and Your Role

The Department of Mechanical Engineering in collaboration with ASME and ASHRAE Student Chapter, CUI Wah Campus invited the team of experts from Siemens Pakistan on September 26, 2024 to conduct seminars on a theme “Latest Technology Trends and Your Role”. The team comprising on 1. Mr. Ashfaq Ahmad, Head Corporate Business Development delivered a Seminar on Energy Efficiency Concepts and Smart Cities 2. Mr. Inam Ul Haq, Manager North: Industrial Application Services delivered a seminar on Sustainability 3. Mr. Atif Abbasi, Manager North: Electrification and Automation delivered a Seminar of Digitization and 4. Mr. Raheel Ahmad Liaqat, Manager North: Electrical Products was delivered a comprehensive speech on Changes in Transportation Industries The Director Campus Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., along with HoD Mechanical Engineering Dr. Arsalan Ahmad welcomed the team from Siemens Pakistan headed by Mr. Ashfaq Ahmad, Head Corporate Business Development. The Director Campus presented the campus features, facilities and recent developments. The Head of Departments were also present during the meeting. The speakers shared their extensive experiences, in-depth knowledge to raise awareness and advocate the importance of latest trends in Engineering and their role, Students showed keen interest in dynamic discussions and interactive sessions. A meeting was held with engineering faculty aiming to strengthen the ties between academia and industry to foster innovation that meets industry demands. Both sides discussed potential collaborations and explored joint ideas for conducting training sessions and workshops for the technical growth of youth. The team was given the tour of the campus with the construction of a new site area. In conclusion, the Director Campus presented souvenirs to guests with a vote of thanks.

Meeting With GLAXIT Software House, Wah Cantt For Industry-Academia Cooperation

A delegation led by Mr. Muhammad Kashif, Director of Development at Glaxit SMC Pvt. Ltd., along with Mr. Usman, Sales Executive, and Ms. Haleeema, HR Manager, visited CUI Wah Campus on June 28, 2024. The main agenda of their meeting was to strategize a recruitment drive that aligns with their shared vision of empowering the future generation. Present at the meeting from CUI Wah Campus were Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, Director Campus, T.I.; In-charge ITC, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Wasif Nisar; Associate Professors Dr. Jamal Hussain and Dr. Saeed ur Rehman. Director Campus highlighted the significance of Industry-Academia partnerships. Mr. Kashif commended the capacity-building initiatives at COMSATS University Islamabad (Wah Campus) and expressed a strong interest in fostering collaboration. He proposed a joint initiative to educate students on cutting-edge trends in the software industry, aiming to enhance their employability upon graduation. Furthermore, he sought assistance in recruiting CUI students for permanent positions and internships within his organization. Both parties agreed to closely collaborate on organizing workshops and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programs aimed at enhancing students' skills to align with the latest trends in the software industry. Dr. Mushtaq suggested that Glaxit SMC Pvt. Ltd. became a regular participant in CUI Wah Campus' bi-annual open house drives for permanent hiring needs. Additionally, Mr. Kashif coordinated a campus recruitment drive, liaising with the CS department and CDC to facilitate internships in response to Glaxit's urgent hiring requirements. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks, underscoring the robust collaboration and support for the management team of Glaxit SMC Pvt. Ltd.

Alumni Meetup 2k24

COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Wah Campus organized an Alumni Meetup 2k24 event on February 23, 2024. Alumni since inception of the Campus from the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Management Sciences, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics were invited to join the event. More than 500 Alumni, faculty/staff participated in the event. Founding Rector, Prof. Dr. S.M. Junaid Zaidi, H.I, S.I. grace the occasion as the Chief Guest of the event. The Rector CUI, Prof. Dr. Sajid Qamar along with Principal Officers from CUI graced the occasion with their presence. The Campus Director, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., welcomed the participating Guests and Alumni . He emphasized the importance of this day for Alumni as they will have chance to meet their farmer teachers and other staff members and see changes undergone by their Alma Mater. The Campus Director highlighted the endeavors to establish a tradition of staying connected with our Alumni. He pointed out the need of Alumni cooperation through financial support and non-financial support to uplift of the Campus and support of student community. He mentioned matters requiring financial collaboration from the Alumni which included, establishment of Endowment Fund, hall of fame, community services and financial assistance program. He also discussed non-financial assistance areas where Alumni can contribute; like provision of Internship, permanent placement, industrial visits and professional trainings / Seminars / Academic feedback. Alumni from various departments were given opportunity to share their success stories and rekindle memories with CUI Wah Campus. Ms. Faiza Usman Alumnus of Computer Science (CS) Department highlighted her success stories and reminded her colleagues, teaching styles of CS teachers especially, Prof Dr. Muhammad Sharif and Prof Dr Ehsan Ullah Munir. Similarly, Qambar Zaidi from Software Engineering, Muhammad Yasir Khan from Management Sciences, Mr. Inshal Yaqoob from Mechanical Engineering, Qamar Abbas from Civil Engineering and Yusra Taj from Mathematics Department highlighted their success and sweet memories of their Alma Mater. This event was jointly hosted by Mr. Sabeeh Ahmad Saeed, Lecturer, CS Department and an alumnus of CS department Ms Noor Fatima, student of 7th semester of CS department. Ms Noor Fatima presented a special poem which highlighted the charms of student life and emotions of nostalgia. Two of the students from current batches pleased the audience with their songs and musical instruments. A quiz competition was also part of the event to engage the audience and Alumni provided correct answers were presented with small gift packs. Rector CUI Wah, Prof. Dr. Sajid Qamar stressed on the need of having these events frequently in the Campus. He added that such events will help to develop strong bond with our Alumni and the institution. CUI have more than 100,000 alumni and a big milestones can be achieved by the University with their cooperation. Founding Rector, Dr. S.M. Junaid Zaidi, H.I, S.I. enchanted audience in his peculiar style and he invited pioneer graduates at the stage and admired their commitment with the institution. In order to encourage, pioneer employees were also invited at the podium and admired their efforts and contribution rendered for the success of the institution. He emphasized the importance of financial collaboration of Alumni with their Alma Mater. He stressed the alumni to remember their institution and by small financial contributions, a substantial amount can generated which can be utilized for the establishment of new academic block of the Campus.. This event was jointly organized by the faculty team headed by Incharge, Career Development Center, Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Bhatti and Student Start Up Business Society.

Open House And Job Fair Fall 2023

COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Wah Campus organized an Open House and Job Fair on December 28, 2023 for the graduating students of Fall 2023 from the Department of Management Sciences (MS) and Computer Science (CS) . Graduating students showcased their final year projects (FYPs) during the event which portrayed their professional skills. The participating industry keenly observed the talent of students exhibited in 115 projects (108 from CS and 7 from MS departments). The companies conducted detailed interviews of the graduating students and offered jobs to the selected students. The event was inaugurated by Mr Ammar Jaffri former Additional Director General, Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and CEO of Digital Pakistan. He is an expert in Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain, Internet of Things and Cloud Computing. The Chief Guest highlighted the importance of updating the curriculum in accordance with the industry needs. He shared his professional experience and guided students to secure their dream jobs. Dr Mushtaq Ahmad Bhatti, Incharge, Career Development Center (CDC) briefed about the role and activities of CDC of Wah Campus. He emphasized the significance of fostering Industry-Academia partnerships and prioritizing student welfare, recognizing them as pivotal elements for the progress and advancement of any field. This involves creating opportunities for students to acquire practical experience and enabling academia to remain abreast of industry developments. Providing a supportive and nurturing environment is essential for the overall well-being and success of CUI Wah students. The Campus Director, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.,I. welcomed the participating industry at CUI Wah. He emphasized the collaborative synergy between industry and academia, highlighting the mutual benefits that accrue to students through real-world experience and practical training. Such an integrative approach not only enriches their education but also equips them to thrive in the fiercely competitive job market, ensuring their success in future careers. The Campus Director underscored the presence of top-notch talent at CUI Wah and urged companies to consider hiring these exceptional individuals. Gratefully acknowledging the chief guest for his valuable time, he expressed sincere appreciation. The Chief Guest, Companies and Campus Director visited the FYP exhibition halls and interacted with graduating students. Dr. Faisal Shafiq Butt, Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department presented the event report at the closing ceremony. More than 64 companies participated in the event and interviewed students. As per feedback from the companies, all students were interviewed, and 74 (59 from CS and 15 from MS) students were offered jobs. More graduates will be evaluated and job internship positions will be offered by companies. Mr. Muhammad Kamal Yamin, alumni from the Management Sciences Department and Mr. Muhammad Saeed Butt, Senior Manager BMW Germany, an Alumni from the Computer Science Department shared their success stories, experience, and the role of CUI Wah in their success. In the closing session, Mr. Asim Hamza Gillani, Director Projects, Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) was the chief guest. He highlighted the need for an Industry-Academia partnership which is a dire need of the era. He emphasized that the exhibited projects were of high quality and tilted towards industry needs. He praised the quality and international visibility of the FYPs to the international community. The chief guest also shared details of internship opportunities provided by PSEB which later on can be a doorway to secure good jobs in multinational organizations. The chief guest of the closing ceremony and Director Campus congratulated the winners and runner-up teams of the FYPs and distributed prize money and certificates to the winners and runner-ups of final-year projects. The Director Campus also congratulated the organizing team for the successful conduct of the event. Gallery

The Ground Breaking Ceremony For The Construction Of Transport Office, Driver Room And Allied Facilities At CUI Wah

The ground breaking ceremony for the construction of the Transport Office, Driver?s Room and associated facilities was held on November 29, 2023, 2023 in the bus parking area at CUI Wah Campus. The Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid,T.I., honored the pioneer driver, Sardar Pervaiz Iqbal who symbolically broke the ground by digging with a shovel The ceremony was graced by the presence of Head of Departments / Section Heads, Campus Works Committee, Faculty/staff members, drivers, and contractor. After the ground breaking ceremony, dua was held where all prayed for the development and nourishment of the CUI Wah Campus. The Director Campus highlighted the pivotal role and significance of the drivers and the transport section in ensuring prompt pick-up and drop-off services for students and faculty. This groundbreaking ceremony serves as a symbolic representation of the Campus's infrastructural advancement, aiming to enhance facilities for the thriving CUI Wah community.

Workshop On Mastering Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) And Their Importance In Mechanical Engineering Projects Hosted And Headed By ASME CUI Wah Chapter With Skillistan, Movers And ARTY Organization.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering in collaboration with ASME CUI Wah Chapter arranged a workshop, titled ?Mastering Sustainable Development Goals and its Importance in the Projects? on October 26, 2023. The talks were delivered by Sher Shah Khan Bangash, CEO Skillistan, Maryam Akhtar, Green Lady Movers Envoy, and Anum Ameer, CEO ARTY. The students of the Mechanical Engineering Department attended the seminar. The speakers introduced the 17 SDGs of the United Nations, their role in society, and their importance in Mechanical Engineering Projects. The speakers also had an interactive session with the students about each SDG. In his closing remarks, Dr. Atta ur Rehman Shah, Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department stressed the importance of linking students? activities with the SDGs. The guest speakers were awarded with the university souvenirs with a vote of thanks by the HoD Mechanical Engineering.

Seminar On ?How To Be An Entrepreneur?

The Department of Management Sciences and Eventix Society arranged a seminar on ?How to be an Entrepreneur? on December 8, 2022. Mr. Ahmed, CEO of Mughlia Baithak, Wah Cantt, an alumni of CUI Wah Campus and a successful entrepreneur was a resource person of the seminar. The purpose of the event was to share important steps and techniques with students on ?How to be an Entrepreneur?. The speaker discussed his experience and addressed the entrepreneur's abilities to develop and organize his limited resources, take initiative to handle uncertainties in order to make a successful entrepreneur. The experience of the resource person was very helpful for the students for their future professional endeavours. Students/faculty members from all departments of the University attended the seminar with interest. At the end the fruitful question answer session was also held to clear the fear of market conditions and misperceptions among students regarding becoming an entrepreneur. The speaker motivated them to think and move forward with their own start-up ideas. The event was concluded by presenting a university souvenir to the guest speaker by the Head Management Sciences Department with a vote of thanks.

BIZ BUZZ Competition - Fall 2022

The Department of Management Sciences conducted an entrepreneurial training activity on June 2, 2022 for the undergraduate students of BBA and BAF under the guidance of Assistant Professor, Dr. Muhammad Yar Khan and Mr. Imran Mehmood. The students of Entrepreneurship and Project Planning & Management displayed their stalls to capitalize their theoretical and practical concepts. The focus of this entrepreneurial activity was to provide a platform to students for idea generation, screening and its implementation concept to fulfill the client demands as per available financial resources and to polish their marketing and management skills.

The Department of Management Sciences organized BIZ BUZZ Competition on December 01, 2022. It was the eighth episode of the business competitions which provide a great opportunity for students to present their challenging, innovative business ideas. Fifteen teams of participants from various semesters of BS(BA) and BS(AF) programs participated in the event. Following two competitive events were part of the Biz Buzz. ? Business Idea Competition and ? Marketing Ad Competition Dr. Khuram Shafi, Associate Professor, Department of Management Sciences welcomed the participants in his opening address. He emphasized that the business competitions like BIZ BUZZ are of great importance for the upbringing of our business students. He added that such thought-provoking ideas also become a valuable addition to enhance the knowledge of our audience who may seek some guidance and benefits from mentors. He encouraged all participants of the events to wholeheartedly do their best to compete in their respective events. The Head, Department of Management Sciences, Dr. Amer Rajput presented a summary of the event in his closing remarks followed by a vote of thanks. He appreciated the efforts of BIZ BUZZ organizing committee, especially the energetic student organizers who put their best to make this event possible. He congratulated the winners and runner-up of the competition. He also emphasized that in future, the Department will continue organizing such kinds of dynamic and fruitful events on a continuous basis for the professional growth and development of our business graduates. At the end of the competition, the Head of Management Sciences Department, along with a panel of judges, distributed shields and certificates among the winners, runner-up, participants and organizers.

One Day Entrepreneurial Training Activity

The Department of Management Sciences conducted an entrepreneurial training activity on June 2, 2022 for the undergraduate students of BBA and BAF under the guidance of Assistant Professor, Dr. Muhammad Yar Khan and Mr. Imran Mehmood. The students of Entrepreneurship and Project Planning & Management displayed their stalls to capitalize their theoretical and practical concepts. The focus of this entrepreneurial activity was to provide a platform to students for idea generation, screening and its implementation concept to fulfill the client demands as per available financial resources and to polish their marketing and management skills.

This effectuation process not only amplified their entrepreneurial and project management skills but also managerial skills. The Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., Associate Professor/ HoD, Dr. Abdul Qayyum Khan, Associate Professor, Dr. Majid Jamal Khan, Assistant Professor, Dr. Muhammad Yar Khan, Mr. Imran Mehmood, faculty members from the Department of Management Sciences and allied departments investigate the event and motivate the participants by appreciating their efforts of becoming a successful entrepreneur with a vision to provide jobs not for a job seeker. At the end the HoD Management Sciences had a meeting with the faculty of management sciences and emphasized that events like this should be conducted regularly and must be planned in every semester.

E-Rozgaar Training Program

The COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus Center of E-Rozgaar Training Program is a joint Project of Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB), Government of Punjab was established and providing hands on trainings since November 2017 with a aim to strengthen capacities of young generation by enhancing their technical digital skills and providing platform of freelancing to start their own businesses.

e-Rozgaar training center, COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus, embarked SDG 8 and 4 with challenges of poverty reduction, providing quality education, removing economic barriers and improving the well-being of society by successfully trained over 1450 individuals so far without any gender discrimination.

This program is not just a training program but also a revolution that will help the youth in generating decent job/work and taking our Society and Pakistan to run in the race of future of work around the world and contributed in the wellbeing of the society.

Success Stories

Mehwish Sohail is a Creative design trainee graduated from E-Rozgaar Center Wah Cantt. Just in 6 months she earned more than $7,000 USD after completing 250+ projects through Freelancing and now till date her total earnings exceed 85K USD.
Saif ULLAH Ali, is graduated from Creative Design domain at E-Rozgaar Comsats Wah center. He is Pakistan's leading Caricature designer, dedication and extraordinary work made Saif one of the best selections for Western world as Caricature designer. Recently TEDxColoradoSprings used his Caricature designs during their presentation. Saif earned more than 150K Dollars from Fiverr and Direct clients from Europe & America. Recently Saif got an offer from USA to work as Lead Creative designer. He is also working for some celebrities and worked for them as a Caricature designer.
Shazra Murtaza, is graduated from technical domain at E-Rozgaar Comsats Wah center. She is not only taking orders from Fiverr / Upwork, but she is also most experienced Shopify expert of this center, most of her projects and earnings are through Shopify. She is Remotely working as Full time Employee as Senior Shopify Developer in (Canadian Firm), her monthly salary is 1068 USD. Her overall earnings till date are above 80K USD.

The following 3 months free of cost trainings are offered under e - Rozgaar Training Program.

  1. Web Development Basics
    1. Html & Css
    2. SQL
    3. Php & Mysql (dynamic Websites)
    4. Building Websites Using Wordpress
    5. Custom Content Type In Wordpress
    6. Wordpress Theme & Plugin Development

  2. Content Marketing & Advertising
    1. Content Marketing
    2. Content Writing
    3. Search Engine Optimization
    4. Social Media Marketing
    5. Search Engine Marketing
    6. E-commerce
    7. Blogging
    8. Youtube Marketing
    9. Marketing Funnels
    10. Email Automation

  3. Creative Designing
    1. Adobe Photoshop
    2. Adboe Illustrator
    3. Adobe InDesign
    4. Logo Designing
    5. Corporate Identity Kit Designing
    6. Social Media Kit Designing
    7. T-shirt Designing
    8. Book Cover Designing

  4. E-Commerce
    1. Selling Skills Related to E-commerce on Freelancing Platform
    2. Setting up local E-commerce Store
    3. E-commerce Store Marketing through Social Media Marketing
    4. Shopify Store
    5. Dropshipping Store
    6. Amazon VA

  5. UI/UX Design
    1. Introduction to UI/UX Design
    2. Design Fundamentals (Work with fonts and colors)
    3. UI/UX Design Tools (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, Invision)
    4. Create quick wireframes
    5. Design professional & responsive website
    6. Design professional mobile apps
    7. Portfolio Building on Behance
    8. How to get UI/UX projects online

  6. Mobile App Development
    1. Hybrid App Development
    2. Flutter & React Native Framework to Build Native Android & iOS Apps
    3. Dart & JavaScript Languages, Object-Oriented Programming
    4. Building Layouts & Dynamic UIs for Multiple Screen Sizes
    5. Control Camera, Google Maps & Device Resources Programmatically
    6. Exercises & Building Several Complete Apps
    7. Basics to Advanced Concepts of Android & iOS
    8. App Publishing Guidelines
    9. Freelancing & Profile Building

  7. Digital & Social Media Marketing
    1. Google and Youtube Ads Campaign
    2. Facebook and Instagram Ads Campaign
    3. Email Marketing Campaigns
    4. Audience Research
    5. Ads Setup and Management
    6. Market Research

Please visit for more details on

One Day Seminar On Energy Efficiency And Conservation In Buildings

The Department of Civil Engineering, CUI Wah Campus in collaboration with the National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA), the Ministry of Energy (Power Division) arranged a one-day consultative session on Energy efficiency and conservation in Buildings in compliance with energy conservation building code 2023 on March 07, 2024. The theme of the event was to foster an interest in energy efficiency. Chief Guest of the event Engr Zeeshan Ullah, Director Buildings of NEECA was welcomed by the Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid,T.I,. HoD Civil Engineering, Dr. Tahir Mehmood, and Engr Sarmad Manzoor ICE Wah Chapter faculty advisor. The event started with a welcome note presented by Chairman/ HoD Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Atta Ur Rehman Shah, followed by a detailed session by the resource person Engr. Zeeshan Ullah. The session explains the aims and objectives of the Energy Conservation Building Code of 2023 by introducing the ECBC 2023. The problems faced and became the need for Energy Efficiency and Conservation in Buildings 2023, solutions for the construction sector, and star rating of the electric appliance were discussed in detail. The Director, CUI Wah Campus, and UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I, in his closing remarks encouraged the students by highlighting the significance of energy efficiency and conservation in Pakistan. He further elaborated on the need for skills to cope with the current challenges across the globe. He thanked all the participants and invited NEECA for future collaboration on the ECBC Code 2023 implementation across the country. Faculty Members and Undergraduate Students actively participated in the sesion and the ICE Chapter and ASHRAE of CUI Wah Campus actively organized all the arrangements.

Panel Discussion At The Consultative Discussion On Preliminary Findings Of "Scoping Study On Pakistan’s Cement Sector: A Road Towards Decarbonization

The Director Campus/ UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM), COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus participated online in the panel discussion at the Consultative Discussion on the Preliminary findings of "Scoping Study on Pakistan’s Cement Sector: A Road towards Decarbonization" on January 18, 2024 organized by the Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI), Islamabad. Participants presented their expert opinions. Dr. Abid discussed the role of academia and deliberated on the challenges and way forward for the (CO2) Carbon Capture and Net Zero and ensured participation of faculty of students in this very needed area to work on real world problems of the cement sector jointly with the SDPI.

National Water Conference

The Director Campus/ UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid,T.I,. along with the team comprising Engr. Summera Fehmi, Engr. Sarmad Manzoor and three students from the Department of Civil Engineering attended the National Water Conference with the theme "Water, People, and Equity: Building a Better Future for All", on January 15, 2024 organized by the Indus Consortium dedicated for Humanitarian, Environment, and development. The conference aimed at building a “Better Future for All," to foster inclusive water management practices for the benefit of all segments of society. The conference gathered policymakers, researchers, farmers, and various stakeholders at a national water conference. The speakers deliberated on the safe and free drinking water and sustainable agricultural practices for farmers across the country. The central strategic objective of the Indus Consortium is to enhance the irrigation water governance and the key water channels like Akram Wah Badin, Rangpur Canal Muzaffargarh, and Daajal Canal Rajanpur. Zarif Iqbal Khero, Chief Engineer, and Ex-Secretary Irrigation Sindh presented the session on Sindh Water Policy, Mohammad Ehsan Leghari, Member Sindh, Indus River System Authority (IRSA), highlighted the environmental and economic impact of discharging wastewater into fresh water. Dr Rasool Bux Mahar, Vice Chancellor of Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University of Technology and Skill Development (BBSUTSD), discussed the contamination of ground and surface waters other discussed the complexities of managing groundwater resources within geological boundaries. Nazeer Ahmed Memon, Project Coordinator Directorate of Sindh Water Sector and Barrages Improvement, Government of Sindh, acknowledged the Indus Consortium's contributions to water governance reflected in the Sindh Water Policy draft. All detailed deliberations by the speakers on the theme of conference were very thought – provoking and stressed the need of strategic flood management and policy implementation for Building a Better Future for All in Pakistan.

Seminar On Introduction To Floodplain Modelling

In order to share the most recent basic statistics about floodplain modelling, the data requirements, and its potential use in the context of urban flood management in Pakistan, the UNESCO Water Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in cooperation with the Department of Civil Engineering organized a seminar on December 20, 2023, titled "Introduction to Floodplain Modelling". The seminar started with recitation of Holy Quran verses and a welcome note presented by member UNESCO Chair CUI Wah Campus/Lecturer, Engr. Summera Fahmi Khan. She presented the UNESCO Water Chair role and highlighted the importance of the Chair being an effective platform for knowledge sharing. The seminar's objective was to provide introduction to computer models, hydrology and hydraulic floodplain modelling differences and use of TUFLOW modelling software but also provided the opportunity to identify and test flood mitigation scenarios which are cost effective and are beneficial for the wider community. The seminar presentation was represented by two speakers. The main speaker, Principal water consultant, Mr. Habib Rahman has over 30 years of experience in areas of catchment and floodplain modelling and flood management using various hydrologic and hydraulic software systems, also has the honor of inventing a special flood modelling technique, the Direct Rainfall method, which is used worldwide. He is the pioneer of 1D/2D modeling in Australia. He significantly delivered his knowledge and research on differences of hydrologic and hydraulic modelling, contributed to the update of Australia Rainfall and Runoff, which is the cardinal guideline for flood management in Australia. He also discusses the challenges with audiences in urban flood modelling and management in regions of Pakistan. The other on-line speaker, Chris Huxley the author of TUFLOW software, which is the state of the art two dimensional floodplain modelling software used worldwide. Chris is a leading expert in floodplain modelling and has extensive experience in undertaking flood studies of complex nature. He displayed his floodplain 2D modelling using TUFLOW software for specific case study regions of Australia. At the end of the seminar, Chris also answered the questions mentioned by online participants and the student's audience related to difficulties faced in TUFLOW software modelling. The faculty members from the CUI Wah Campus, University of Wah, HITEC University Taxila, UET Taxila, professionals from NESPAK and graduate/ undergraduate students from these universities attended the seminar. In his final remarks, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., the UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), stressed the importance of creating capacity in the adaptation of evolving technologies in floodplain management and mitigation strategies. He showed his concerns about social impacts at the national level due to losses of flooding. He expressed gratitude to the Australian resource persons and the organizing team, particularly the CUI Wah Campus ICE chapter, for their hard work in putting this session together. The Chair also congratulated everyone for coming and helping to make the occasion a success.

One Day Hands On Workshop On ?Introduction To R?

The UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) organized a one-day Workshop on the Introduction to R on November 23, 2023 in collaboration with the Department of Civil Engineering. This hands-on workshop was designed to empower the participants with practical skills by creating their familiarity with the RStudio, operations, functions, data types, tables, importing, exporting and manipulation of plots data, combining verbs using pipes and data visualization. The event started with a welcome note by Lecturer, Sarmad Manzoor from the Department of Civil Engineering. He presented the UNESCO Water Chair role and highlighted the importance of the UNESCO Chair being an effective platform for knowledge sharing. The resource person, member UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), CUI Wah Campus/Lecturer, Engr. Summera Fahmi Khan from the Department of Civil Engineering shared knowledge and expertise with the participants. She conducted an interactive learning session with the demonstration of exercises by using R and RStudio programming language. She deliberates examples by analyzing and predicting weather patterns affecting climate change, unraveling intricate patterns and trends within complex environmental datasets considering Pakistan?s environment. The researchers from Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR), faculty members, graduate, undergraduate students from CUI Wah Campus attended the workshop. The UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., in his closing remarks emphasized on capacity building and sustainable improvements in research by analyzing a large batch of raw data by using tools in order to identify patterns and extract useful information for climate data management. He appreciated the efforts of the resource person and the team of organizers especially the ICE chapter of CUI Wah Campus on effectively conducting this workshop. The Chair also thanked all participants for their participation and for making this event a success.

International Conference At PCRWR From December 4 - 6, 2023

UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Water Resources Management (IWRM) nominated Engr. Sarmad Manzoor and Engr Waleed Tariq, team members from UNESCO and from the Department of Civil Engineering to attend the Pakistan Water Week 2023 jointly organized by the PCRWR and IWMI Pakistan, with a focus on two key events, a three-day International Conference from December 4- 6 2023 followed by a two-day National Workshop from December 7-8, 2023 based on the theme ?Transformative Pathways for Water and Food System in a Climate Resilient Pakistan?.

The aim of Pakistan Water Week is to conduct high-level discussions on water, climate, and the sustainability transformation. The conference fostered discussions on three thematic areas, including:

  1. Transformation for sustainable and climate resilient solutions
  2. Politics, policy, and institutions- good governance and strengthening capacities
  3. Technologies and innovations- responding to the climate change

Pakistan being highly vulnerable to climate change requires sustainable development, strategic decision making for best utilization of its natural resources. The deliberation on the following thematic areas was presented by the experts / invited speakers on December 6, 2023, attended by the nominees.

  1. Climate Resilient Pathways: Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for a Secure Pakistan, Maintaining Productivity of Salinity Affected Landscapes in the Indus Basin.
  2. Inclusive Water Governance: Exploring New Pathways and Perspectives, Harnessing Gender ? Transformative Agent of Change for Improved Water Governance.
  3. Technologies and Innovations: Responding to the Challenges of Water and Food Security, Management of Hill ? Torrents Opportunities and Challenges
  4. Climate Emergencies, Revitalizing the Indus ?Exploring and Living Indus Initiative, Water and Food Security.
  5. The Role of Climate Risk Analysis in Improving Resilience of Agriculture System

The conference was attended by the national and international experts, representatives from federal and provisional government partners.

A Workshop on Emerging Trends & Technologies: Carbon Capture and Storage, Climate Change and Net Zero

A workshop on Emerging Trends & Technologies: Carbon Capture and Storage, Climate Change and Net Zero was jointly organized by COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI)- Pakistan, on August 21, 2023 at CUI, Wah Campus. Cranfield University, UK, and several institutions from Pakistan including NUST, GIKI, NEO, University of Karachi, and Okara University have joined hands as partner institutions with the CUI- Wah Campus for this event. The Workshop was funded by the British Council, Islamabad under Pak-UK Education Gateway Mobility Partnership for Faculty.

The workshop aims to foster academic and research collaborations in the area of carbon capture storage, climate change, clean energy, net zero, and related issues. The workshop benefited the participants from academia, industry, research organizations, government and non-government organizations, contributing towards the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Dr. Syed Adnan, Lecturer/Team Lead from Cranfield University, UK welcomed the participants of the workshop in the opening remarks. He shared the introduction, research facilities, and strengths of Cranfield University. He acknowledges the British Council and Higher Education Commission, Pakistan for their support and funding. Mr. Mubbashir Sheikh, Manager of Higher Education, British Council- Islamabad highlighted the aims and details of the mobility program launched by the British Government from the year 2018 for the faculty members of Pakistani Universities. Dr. Nasir Ahmad team lead from NUST, Pakistan also highlighted the importance of this mobility grant.

The Executive Director, COMSATS, and Ambassador, Dr. Mohammad Nafees Zakaria was the chief guest at the inaugural session of the workshop. He expressed that carbon emission is becoming more dangerous for Pakistan as this is a powerful source of climate change and disasters in the region. A mass level of cooperation between EU counties and Pakistan can help to mitigate climate change effects due to the release of green gases and CO2. COMSATS (a consortium of 27 counties) is a science and technology commission and plays a very important role in innovations and scientific advancements to mitigate climate change. There is a dire need for alignment between research organizations, academia, and industries. He appreciated the sponsors and participating universities from Pakistan and UK for organizing this workshop.

In his remarks, the Rector CUI, Prof. Dr. Sajid Qamar, extended his gratitude for organizing this workshop at COMSATS University and organizing it successfully to strengthen the scientific collaboration between the British Council, Higher Education Institutions of Pakistan and UK. He shared the success of CUI within 25 years and its aim for more internationalization, working in emerging technologies, and always took the lead to bring research and academic programs for the benefit of Pakistan. He appreciated the efforts of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, Director Campus, for choosing this most emerging topic which needs urgent attention to address the climate change issues in Pakistan. He also thanks the sponsors, and partner institutions from UK and Pakistan for their throughout support in bringing this event a success.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., Director CUI Wah Campus highlighted that the PAK-UK Education Gateway Mobility Partnership for Faculty embodies the spirit of academic exchange, collaboration, and the pursuit of knowledge that transcends geographical boundaries in his opening remarks. This collaboration between our university and esteemed institutions in the United Kingdom opens up new avenues for faculty members from both ends to explore and engage in cutting-edge research, to exchange ideas, and to immerse themselves in diverse academic environments. This mobility program will not only broaden the horizons of our faculty but also bring back invaluable experiences from both sides that will enrich our classrooms and research endeavors. He further discussed that the COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus has established a strong reputation by actively collaborating at both national and international levels with a particular emphasis on solving real-world problems. He thanked the Chief Guest, Rector CUI, Sponsors, industrial delegates, faculty members, partners from the universities from Pakistan and UK, invited speakers, and distinguished Guests for their participation in the workshop.

The workshop was comprised of a series of invited talks as part of its technical program by renewed academicians and industrial representatives. These talks were given by Dr. Muhammad Khan, Cranfield University, UK, Engr Rashid Mehmood, QATPL Bhikki Sheikhupura, Dr. Adnan Zahid, Punjab University, Lahore, Dr. Mohammed Uneeb, Power Industry Executive, Mr. Ubaid ur Rehman Zia, SDPI, Islamabad, Dr Mohsin Raza & Dr Athar Hussain, CUI Islamabad, Cmdr (R) Syed Obaidullah Defence & Maritime Analyst and Prof. Dr Muhammad Abid, CUI Wah.

In addition to invited talks, a panel discussion moderated by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Khan, Cranfield University UK was also part of the workshop to chalk out a working paper for collaborative activities between partner organizations. Mr. Muneeb, Mr. Ubaid ur Rehman, Mr. Ashfaq Ahmed, Mr. Asad Mehmood, Mr. Rashid Mehmood, and Dr. Nasir Ahmed were the panelists.

The workshop was attended by the academia other than the partner institutions including LUMS, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Capital University of Science & Technology, Punjab University, Riphah University, NUTECH, Pak Austria, University of Wah, UET Lahore, Bahria University, CCRD, CUI Campuses. The representatives of scientific and industrial organizations i.e. GCISC, IWMI, HUBCO, QATPL, POL, SIEMENS, CREECO, ASHRAE Pak Chapter, WAPDA, Energy Sector, SDPI, OPML, Pakistan Navy also attended the workshop.

In his closing remarks, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, extended thanks to the sponsors, industrial delegates, faculty members partners from the universities from Pakistan and UK, invited speakers, and distinguished Guests for all their active participation, cooperation, and support. Souvenirs and certificates were distributed amongst the participants of the workshop in the closing session. He appreciated the dedicated team from CUI, especially of CUI Wah organizers of this event making this event a success.

Tree Plantation Drive Spring 2022

The Tree Plantation Drive at COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus was started and inaugurated by the Member of the Provincial Assembly Punjab (MPA), Malik Taimoor Masood Akbar on February 4, 2022. He planted a tree opposite to the Mechanical Block. On the behalf of Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid,T.I., Sr. Manager Student Affairs Dr. Akmal Javaid planted a tree for heightening campus plantation drive. This event was organized by the Services Section under the supervision of Manager Services, Dr. Muhammad Nawaz. The Heads of Department, Section heads and staff members participated in the drive and planted trees.

Azadi Tree Plantation Drive

The Azadi Tree Plantation drive was inaugurated at COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Wah Campus by the Director Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid on August 20, 2021. The Director Campus planted Eucalyptus at the backside of the Mechanical Engineering Block and Alstonia at the Campus Site, New City Phase-II. Heads of the Departments also planted trees. Large number of faculty and staff members participated to make this campaign successful, Green & Clean by planting trees. The University has planned to plant a large number of trees of different species during this monsoon season in the Campus, Campus Site at New City, Phase-II and vicinity.

IEEE/OES China Ocean Acoustics Conference (COA 2024)

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, Director Campus and UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) at CUI Wah Campus, visited Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China from May 28 to June 2, 2024, as the invited keynote speaker at the third IEEE/OES China Ocean Acoustics Conference (COA 2024), held from May 29 to 31, 2024. Prof. Abid delivered a keynote address titled “A Framework Approach to Strengthen Higher Education in the Field of Marine Information and Engineering.” As an academician, he emphasized the growth prospects, needs, and development of the Marine Information and Engineering field in Pakistan, considering its geographical position, ocean resources, blue economy, and implications for trade and defense. He actively participated in discussions and highlighted collaborative efforts between CUI and HEU. The conference brought together distinguished experts in marine acoustics research to present their latest findings in marine and underwater acoustics. Through the exchange of knowledge via invited talks and research papers, researchers and scholars from around the world discussed cutting-edge topics, enriching their understanding and paving the way for new opportunities in marine and underwater acoustics advancements. Additionally, a technology exhibition during the conference showcased advanced marine and underwater acoustic instruments, equipment, and systems from Chinese and international manufacturers.

Meeting With Prof Of National Taiwan University Taiwan For Joint Collaborations

A meeting was held between Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, Director Campus CUI/UNESCO Chair for IWRM, and Professor Hongzhi Wang, National Taiwan University at Harbin to explore possibilities of partnerships through faculty and student exchange and joint research initiatives. Common interests included application of underwater acoustic sensors to study whales and aquatic culture and related areas in deep and shallow waters.

China-Pakistan Marine Information (CPMI) Workshop And Training Course From May 29 – June 13 Was Conducted At Harbin Engineering University (HEU), Heilongjiang, China.

The training was organized by the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology in collaboration with Harbin Engineering University, China. This training course is part of a broader initiative aligned with China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Professor LIU Songzuo, chairman of the training committee, presided over the opening session. Professor QIAO Gang, Dean of the College of Underwater Acoustic (UWA) at HEU, China, reviewed the history of international academic exchanges and cooperation between the university and Pakistan. He also provided a brief overview of the teaching and research activities at the School of Underwater Acoustics Engineering. Dr. Niaz Ahmad and Prof Dr Muhammad Abid being involved from the start of CPMI highlighted brief history and progress of CPMI activities each year. In addition emphasize on the diverse backgrounds of the participants and their eagerness to seize this valuable learning opportunity, highlighting its potential to strengthen enduring friendships between China and Pakistan. Thirty-two Pakistani researchers from various sectors both industrial and academic actively participated and benefited from the program. The course covered topics ranging from foundational principles to cutting-edge advancements in underwater acoustic equipment design, measurement, and detection methods. It incorporated the latest theories and practical applications, enabling attendees to engage with state-of-the-art research and advanced technologies in China.

5th China-Pakistan Marine Information Workshop (CPMI 2023)at Sanya, China

The Director Campus Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid,T.I., along with Assistant Professor, Dr. Barkat Ullah on the invitation of Harbin Engineering University (HEU) China attended the 5th China-Pakistan Marine Information Workshop (CPMI 2023) at Sanya, China, held from December 8 ? 11, 2023. The workshop was jointly organized by the China Science and Technology Exchange Center (CHN), Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF), National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Pakistan and funded by the Chinese Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers and Co Organized by COMSATS University Islamabad Wah Campus and NUCES from Pakistan. The workshop aims to provide a platform for experts and students from both China and Pakistan to expand and strengthen their research in the field of Marine Information and Technology. The theme of the fifth CPMI (2023) workshop was ?Smart Ocean Informatics?. In the inaugural ceremony the Vice Chancellor of HEU and Chair Workshop introduced the progress of CPMI. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid delivered keynote on ?A Framework Approach to Strengthen Higher Education in the Field of Marine Information and Engineering? and Dr Barkatullah delivered his talk on ?Dynamic Modelling and Analysis of Steady State Spiraling Motion Control of an Underwater Glider?. During the round table discussion, a detailed presentation regarding CUI and its way forward for continued joint research related to Marine Engineering and Sciences was given by Prof. Abid with an emphasis on potential collaboration for continued work with HEU. In recognition to his outstanding contribution for signing MoU with HEU, as a founding member of CPMI and organizing first four consecutive CPMI jointly with HEU, hosting HEU students under students exchange program at CUI Wah Campus for two semesters, development of MS curriculum on Underwater Acoustic Communication, Prof. M. Abid was also awarded ?Special Contribution Award? by HEU. During CPMI, several MoUs were also signed by HEU with NUCES, University of Karachi, NIMA. Though the MoU with CUI is already signed but in COVID times so, to formalize it again a ceremony was held. The workshop was very fruitful in exploring and strengthening the collaboration between HEU and Pakistani institutions, researchers in the field of Marine Information and Technology. Prof. M. Abid thanked Prof Qiao Gang, Prof Songzuo Liu, Dr. Niaz Ahmed and others and welcomed new members from Pakistani institutions.

UNESCO Chair Holder's Coordination Meeting & International Literacy Day

The UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI) Wah Campus hosted first ever Coordination Meeting of all eight UNESCO Chair Holder’ across Pakistan and celebrated International Literacy Day 2024 on September 12, 2024. The main objective of the event was to unify the expertise and wisdom of all UNESCO Chairs across Pakistan working in various dimensions and multidisciplinary areas and how these Chairs can address the global challenges faced by Pakistan in specific and global community at large for sustainable development of the societies. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., Director Campus/UNESCO Chair on Knowledge Systems for IWRM, warmly welcomed Mr. Antony Kar Hung Tam, Officer-in-Charge in UNESCO Office Pakistan and his team,officers from Pakistan National Commission on UNESCOand all UNESCO Chair’s Holders across Pakistan. The UNESCO Chair Holder on Knowledge Systems for IWRM, CUI, Wah Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., in his opening remarks highlighted the importance of the UNESCO Chair Holder’s Meeting as a valuable platform for Chair Holders across Pakistan to showcase their expertise and contributions. He expressed confidence that effective collaboration between these Chairs would strengthen relationships, achieve better results, and enhance the impact of their work both locally and globally in the areas of sustainable urban development, water resource management, agriculture, health, information and communication technology, culture and arts. He further added that this platform was also aligned with the theme of International Literacy Day 2024 which was focused on “promoting literacy for mutual understanding and peace”. In his presentation, Mr. Antony Kar Hung Tam, Officer-in-Charge of UNESCO Pakistan, outlined the UNESCO’s key focus areas in Pakistan and discussed thematic areas for enhancing quality education, providing technical and vocational training, promoting cultural and creative industries, advancing science and improving media and information literacy. He further briefed the UNESCO dedication to Greening Education, making education systems climate-resilient, and managing water resources effectively for the community of Pakistan. During the event, all the UNESCO Chair Holders across Pakistan shared their ongoing research, future collaborative projects, knowledge sharing, strategic partnership and future directions of the Chairs A“Round Table Discussion” was also part of the event which was moderated by Syed Raza Shah, National Professional Officer, UNESCO Islamabad to address the question “How can UNESCO collaborate with the Chairs to help them perform their activities, and how can Chairs contribute to each other’s work?”

CUI Wah Campus Team visited UWS, UK under Erasmus+ funded SAFE-RH project

The CUI Wah Campus SAFE-RH (Sensing, Artificial Intelligence, and Edge Networking Rural Health Monitoring) team participated in the final plenary meeting of the Erasmus+ funded SAFE-RH project, held at the University of the West of Scotland, UK, from July 29, 2024, to August 2, 2024. This crucial gathering brought together experts and researchers to present and discuss advancements in remote health monitoring technologies. The team from CUI Wah Campus comprised the following members: Prof. Dr. Ehsan Ullah Munir, Dr. Tassawar Iqbal, Dr. Saima Gulzar Ahmad, Dr. Kashif Ayyub, Dr. Jawwad Ahmad, Mr. Muhammad Ali Arif, and Mr. Ahmad Hassan. The team showcased innovative solutions and findings from their Maternal and Fetus Health Monitoring Pilot aimed at reducing the mortality rate. The plenary meeting marked a significant milestone for the SAFE-RH project, demonstrating the commitment and collaborative efforts of the CUI Wah Campus team in advancing healthcare solutions. Their participation underscores their dedication to improving health outcomes through technological innovation. Consul General, Summar Javed, and Principle and Vice-Chancellor, James Miller also graced the event with their presence to vet the SAFE-RH presentation and demonstrations. They appreciated the efforts of all partner universities for remote health sensing under the umbrella of SAFE-RH project.

Meeting with Head of Massive Data Computing Research Center at HIT China

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I. Director Campus CUI/UNESCO Chair for IWRM had a meeting with the Prof. Wang, Head Massive Data Computing Research Center, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) China during his visit to China from May 28 – June 2, 2024. Both introduced their institutions and in specific to the research they are involved in. After detailed deliberation based on common interests in big data, high performance computing, applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence for big/massive data analysis to solve real world challenging problems, it was agreed to fostering cooperation through faculty and student exchanges, as well as knowledge sharing.

Meeting with Dean College of Intelligent Systems and Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, China

During the visit to HEU Harbin China, a meeting was held between Prof Muhammad Abid, T.I., Director CUI Wah and Prof Liu Zhilin, Dean College of Intelligent Systems and Engineering, HEU on June 1 2024. The various avenues of collaboration focusing on education and research specifically with focus on Artificial Intelligence in cutting-edge technological innovations, Automation and Control, Intelligent Systems, Augmented Virtual Reality, Digital Twins and Industry 4.0 were discussed. Possibility of students and faculty exchange along with joint research in various areas was also agreed upon. Prof Abid also visited different labs related to above topics and showed keen interests for joint working.

Meeting With Professor From The Department Of Mechanical Engineering, HEU , China

During the visit to HEU Harbin China, a meeting was held between Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., Director CUI Wah and Prof. Xu He Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, HEU on June 1, 2024. Dr Song, Dr Chen and Fazle Haseeb and their graduate students attended the meeting. Prof. Xu presented a brief of ongoing projects at HEU followed by a tour of Intelligent Robots and Advanced Fluid System Laboratory. It was agreed to have mutual cooperation in intelligent robots, advanced fluid systems, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, digital twins, and CFD experimental and simulation work to address and solve real world challenging problems for the socio-economic benefit of both the countries.

Meeting with CEO NewTech Pipes

The Director Campus had a meeting on May 3, 2024 with the Managing Director of NewTech Industries, Mr. Asim bin Kazim, aiming to enhance and strengthen the relationship between Industry and University. The NewTech as partner industry is facilitating final year students of CUI Wah Campus in developing FYPs. The Dean Faculty of Engineering and Chairman Mechanical Engineering are also present on the occasion.

Meeting With The Delegation Of Hungarian Embassy

An International Office of CUI arranged the meeting on March 1, 2024 between the officials of CUI and Hungarian Embassy on the agenda to promote academic, research and cultural ties between both countries. A delegation from Hungarian Embassy comprising of Dr. Istvan Grafjodi (Dr. Grafi), Commercial Counselor, Ms. Gabriella Grafjodi, Ambassador’s Office and from COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., Director, CUI Wah Campus, Dr. Hammad Omer, T.I., Head (International Office), Dr. Danish Farooq, Assistant Professor , Department of Civil Engineering , CUI Wah Campus having PhD from Hungary, Mr. Arif Awan, Senior Program Officer (IO). Dr. Grafi appreciated the opportunities and showed the interest of work to collaborate in future with all stakeholders. He emphasized channelizing the desired potential strategies to work together. He suggested the areas transport, healthcare, and IT to move further. Prof. Abid briefed the CUI Wah Campus research potential and introduced Dr. Farooq as one alumnus who had graduated from Hungary and his field of research was transport systems. Dr. Farooq added to it the good training he received there. Dr. Hammad projected all the internationalization activities and engagements with world renowned institutions. The CUI side appreciated the ideas and suggested building potential for sharing resources for capacity building. Literature of B-International was also shared including some ideas for cooperation prepared by Dr. Farooq, which were thoroughly perused

University - Industry Collaboration With Siemens Pakistan Engineering Co Ltd

The Director Campus visited Siemens Pakistan Engineering Co Ltd, Lahore office on January 29, 2024 and had meeting with Mr Ashfaq Ahmed, Head Building products and corporate business development, SIEMENS Engineering Limited. Deliberations held on the joint collaborative possibilities for adaptive smart technology use, awareness and training sessions as per need of industrial competitiveness, safety management, construction and other solutions.

Establishing the Potential Collaboration with RELO Pakistan

The delegation from the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy, Islamabad, visited CUI Wah Campus on January 3, 2024. The delegation comprised Country Program Director, Syed Rashid Naqvi, and Country Communication Manager, Ms. Sadia Khan, from the Regional English Language Office (RELO), Pakistan. The Director of the Campus, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., along with Assistant Professor Dr. Ambreen Shahnaz from the Department of Management Sciences, welcomed the guests. The meeting aimed to establish collaboration and advocate the potential of launching the English ACCESS Micro-scholarship Program at CUI Wah Campus for the personal and professional development, fostering skills, and empowering confidence in under-privileged communities. The Campus Director delivered an insightful presentation highlighting the strengths and capabilities of CUI Wah Campus. Dr. Ambreen Shahnaz, Assistant Professor, articulated the importance of the English ACCESS Micro-scholarship Program and its advantages for the CUI Wah Campus. Mr. Rashid provided expert guidance on the operational aspects of the ACCESS Program, detailing its requirements and benefits. The guests were given a tour of the campus facilities to gain a deeper understanding of the campus environment and potential. The visit concluded with the presentation of commemorative souvenirs and a commitment to establish a fruitful partnership through a potential agreement for implementing the English ACCESS Micro-scholarship at CUI Wah Campus for the marginalized communities.

The Team Attended The International Colloquium At Edge Hill University, United Kingdom (UK)

The team led by the Associate Professor, Dr. Muhammad Khalil Afzal, consisted of Associate Professor, Dr. Mussarat Yasmin and Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Maaz Rehan, visited Edge Hill University , UK from November 19 ? 27, 2023 to attend the International Colloquium hosted by Edge Hill University, UK under ?Pak-UK Education Gateway Mobility Partnership Program for Faculty? funded by the British Council and Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. The team affirmed innovative research in light of international mobility and transnational education. Dr Muhammad Khalil Afzal, Project Lead, in the first session of International Colloquium ? Higher Education Leadership Summit presented a detailed project briefing on the PAK-UK Education Gateway Mobility Program for Faculty, shedding light on the project?s intended outcomes and potential impact. Dr. Muhammad Maaz Rehan delivered an insightful talk in the Session ?Interdisciplinary Research and Knowledge Transfer Partnership and Apprenticeships?, on ?Blockchain-based Zero Trust Access Control for Smart City IoT Devices?. The attendees engaged with a profound understanding of the transformative power that blockchain brings to safeguarding the intricate web of Smart City IoT Devices. Dr. Mark Liptrott hosted the panel discussion with panellists on the ?Impact of AI in education?. The panellists were Ms. Shirley, Dr. Andrea, Dr. Muhammad Khalil Afzal, and Dr Musarrat Yasmin. The discussion centred on the question of whether AI tools are beneficial for learning and teacher?s instructional practices. The panellist brought together diverse perspectives on the table, sharing their views on the impact of AI in education. Some underscored the advantages, emphasizing how AI tools can personalize learning experiences, cater to individual student needs, and streamline administrative tasks for educators. Conversely, others expressed concerns, addressing the potential challenges related to ethical considerations and the need for a balanced integration of technology in the classroom. The lively exchange of opinions enriched the discourse, providing a comprehensive overview of the landscape surrounding the use of AI tools in higher education.

Visit To Cranfield University, UK Under Pak UK Education Gateway Mobility Partnership For Faculty

The Director Campus Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abid, T.I., Associate Professor/Chairperson Civil Engineering, Dr. Tahir Ali Akbar and Assistant Professor, Dr. Muhammad Shoaib Naseem from COMSATS University Islamabad along with faculty from NUST, GIKI, NED and KU visited Cranfield University from September 25-29, 2023 under Pak UK Education Gateway Mobility Partnership for faculty funded by the British Council and Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. This visit contributed to Pakistan's journey towards acceptance of UK qualifications and vice versa. It was an extremely useful trip, and faculty from Pakistani universities attended numerous training sessions and met eminent faculty from Cranfield University. The visit of Pakistani faculty to the UK provided an opportunity to learn new and advanced equipment and research techniques from the well- established laboratories and departments of Cranfield universities. The faculty also learned from the very high-quality research work that is being accomplished at Cranfield University with the collaboration of industries. This project provided a platform to understand the values of higher education in the UK and Pakistan. Learned about the student centered teaching approach, module development and research supervision style during the training sessions which were organized by the Cranfield University, UK. The delegation encouraged future exchange and collaboration between COMSATS University Islamabad Pakistan and Cranfield University regarding student and faculty exchange, joint research collaborations, joint MS degree and joint supervision of research students. During the visits souvenirs were also exchanged with top management of Cranfield university.

CUI Wah Campus Team Attended Training And Meeting In University Of Lorraine, France

The SAFE-Rural-Health program is Erasmus + funded Project aims to apply innovative and cutting-edge technologies to address the challenging issues around application and adoption of Remote Health Monitoring in Pakistan. SAFE-RH is a combined project of five partner universities including the University of the West of Scotland (UWS), Universit? de Lorraine, France, Capital University of Science & Technology (CUST), Islamabad, Pakistan, COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Wah Campus, Pakistan, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Under the umbrella of Faculty and Student Mobility Program, SAFE-RH Faculty team from CUI Wah Campus consists of Prof. Dr. Ehsan Ullah Munir, Dr. Tassawar Iqbal, Dr. Saima Gulzar Ahmed, and Dr. Kashif Ayyub, and SAFE-RH Student team consisting of Mr. Ahmad Hassan (MS-CS), Muhammad Ali Arif (BS-CS) from Department of Computer Science, CUI Wah Campus attended Training and Project Meeting at University of Lorraine, France from November 11-20, 2023. Prof. Dr. Ehsan Ullah Munir presented progress of CUI Wah Campus team on respective Pilot. He further highlighted current achievement, challenges and future plans about Maternal and Fetus pilots of SAFE-RH. Dr. Saima Gulzar Ahmed along with students demonstrated Belt for Fetus Health Monitoring developed by CUI Wah Campus team. Dr. Kashif Ayyub presented Mobile Application developed for SAFE-RH Project, and Dr. Tassawar Iqbal presented progress with respect to deliverables, and milestones mitigated. All the partners appreciated the achievements of CUI Wah Campus Team.

In addition to above mentioned public service activities, several seminars have been conducted on public service and awareness. Following are a few of those activities that are organized by CUI Wah Campus:

  • Gandhara Art Village Taxila

    The students of Bazm-e-Adab Society under the supervision Dr. Akmal Javaid, Incharge Student Affairs and Ms. Sana Dar, Lecturer, Department of Management Sciences attended the Seminar/Lecture organized by the Gandhara Historical and Cultural Society, Taxila on October 10, 2021. The Chief Guest, a famous television actor Syed Jamal Shah former Director-General, Pakistan National Council of the Arts, President of the Society, Mr. Zia ud Din (A renowned scholar of Taxila History and Language) and the Director of the Society, Prof. Rashid Khan welcomed the guests and shared the history and importance of Gandhara Art ,Languages and Culture. They further talked on the aims, objectives, and functions of the society.

  • Save Water Campaign

  • A seminar on " Road Safety"

  • International Peace Week

  • Training Session on Fire, Safety and First Aid